5: Hits and Naps

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Drug usage, choking?

Two joints later and Wilbur can already feel the high coming on. He pressed the end of the joint in the grass, putting out the smoldering embers.

Schlatt was about halfway through his third joint before he offered it to Wilbur.

"You want another hit? I can't get anymore of this shit for about another week or so," The older brunet grumbled, definitely not happy about it.

"Yeah, look at this," Wilbur grabbed the joint delicately and took a puff. He blew the smoke out of his mouth, directing it up his nose. He smiled and blew it back out. "I'm like a dragon!" Wilbur smiled childishly, passing the joint back to Schlatt who was now staring at the pool. 

Their fingertips brushed together as Schlatt took the joint again, "Do you wanna shotgun?" Schlatt asked, a calm expression on his face, and an even calmer and raspy voice from him.

That was also so out of the fucking blue.

"I- I- uh," Wilbur was at a loss for words, he could not tell if this man was fucking with his feelings at this point. "Sure," Wilbur had to force his voice, hoping it didn't come out shaky. He gulped nervously as Schlatt pressed the joint to his lips and inhaled deeply.

Suddenly their foreheads were touching as well as the tips of their noses. Wilbur felt himself shiver at the sudden touch of Schlatt's hand on his chin. 

Holy shit.

Don't panic.

Their lips were less than an inch away from each other, the older brunet opened his mouth up slightly, Wilbur following suit.

Smoke exchanged from one mouth to the other, their top lips brushing softly against each other.

Wilbur felt his breathing pause, pulling back slightly while Schlatt leant out completely. He fucking forgot he had smoke in his mouth and inhaled, trying to decipher what judt happened.

Tears stung the corners of his eyes, followed by another hacking fit as he had a whole mouthful of smoke go down his throat. 

"You fucking dumbass- you're not supposed to inhale the smoke!" Schlatt shouted, facepalming.

Wilbur nodded as he tried to catch his breath. He couldn't. His throat seemed to close and his face burned. Sloppy hot tears ran down his face as he grabbed at his throat. 

"Oh shit-" Schlatt hissed, standing up, pulling Wilbur up with him. He leant Wilbur forward and struck him on the back above the shoulder blades.

"It's cough, smoke, get me wat- cough water," Wilbur gasped out, feeling the air starting to return.

Holy fuck he's so dumb.

He's gonna end up killing himself doing something so dumb.

Schlatt handed Wilbur a cup of water, the taller brunet being confused of how he had even left. 

Wilbur hastily drank the water, the stale smoke feeling left his throat and his airways opened up again.

"'m fine now," Wilbur heaved, standing up straight. He pulled a fake confidence on his face and started walking back to the pool.

"Nuh-uh, no fucking way, you just inhaled smoke, I'm not having you inhale pool water," Schlatt tugged the back of Wilbur's shirt, pulling the taller male back. Wilbhr resisted and tried to pull away.

"C'mon don't let me ruin this," Wilbur smiled.

"No. We're going to rest for a bit. Okay? Sit the fuck down before I make you."

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