15: This Will Be Interesting

242 7 14

Implied/referenced S/A (Very Mild),
Violence (Very Mild)

Wilbur had a free period, while Sally was unfortunate enough to have another class straight after lunch. Wilbur walked outside to the stadium, where he and Schlatt were to meet when Schlatt showed up.

Oh shit, did he actually just agree to a date with a girl?

Not that anything was unfitting with girls, it's just that... He's in love with Schlatt. What the hell is wrong with him? Wilbur grunted and sat under the bleachers. Perhaps... this date could get his sanity off the New Yorker that was currently heading in his direction.

"Hey, Wilbur!" Schlatt jogged up to the bleachers, crouching down next to Wilbur. "How are you?"

"Uh- I'm alright I guess. I had an interesting lunch."

"How is lunch interesting? What, did you eat ass or something?"

"Wh- no!" A messy blush had ascended to Wilbur's cheeks, while Schlatt cackled loudly. "Although I did get a date,"

Schlatt's smile faltered ever so scarcely, a more serious look coming over his face. He stuck his hand beneath his chin, scratching at his neck a little. "Well, that's definitely interesting. I always thought you were queer." At Wilbur's followed silence, Schlatt panicked a bit. "I mean- I didn't mean it as a negative thing, you just seemed a little flamboyant is all,"

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "You sound more like a homophobe every time you speak," He punches Schlatt playfully in the shoulder.

Schlatt's eyes widened while sheer panic settled on his face "I swear I'm not homophobic, Wil."

"I know, I'm just messing with you."

Schlatt nervously chuckled, and Wilbur pivoted his legs up onto one of the bleacher seats above him. He dangled upside down, his face now parallel to Schlatt's chest, and he smiled.

Wilbur pushed his glasses up his face, attempting to keep them from dropping off his head.

"You better tell me all about it. When is it?"

"Don't know yet, but probably sometime this week."

"Oh. Well, I've gotten bitches before, I can help you out," Schlatt snickered, his voice low.


Schlatt's phone hummed to indicate an incoming call, so he mouthed 'Give me a minute,' and picked up his phone. taking it a short distance away from the bleachers.

Wilbur took that time to upright himself, hanging loosely from the top step. He lowered to the ground with a faint thud, feeling all the excess blood leave his head.

He strode around in a circle, thinking about what he agreed to. This could either go really good or really bad.

The thing is.

Did he even want to date Sally?

You're thinking too hard about this.

But I've only talked to her a few times!

Then don't call it dating, call it a hangout.

I'm the one that said 'it's a daTE,' she's nice and all but I don't want to date her, at least, it's way too soon.

And you like Schlatt.

I- that isn't going to happen.

It's fucking obvious, think about Friday night,

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