4: Screw Your Emotions

285 13 34

Warnings-- Underage drinking, non descriptive drug usage

Wilbur grabbed his phone from his room and then knocked on Techno's door. Hearing a faint grumbled 'come in', he opened the door and waved to his pink-haired brother.

"Hey Techie, how are you?" Wilbur had no shame in using the nickname in front of Techno, even though they weren't as close as he would've liked it just felt right.

"I'm alright I guess. I had to drag your drunk ass in yesterday," Techno giggled.

Wilbur immediately paled at the reply, "I- uh, does dad know?" Was all he could get out, fidgeting with his hands.

Techno laughed hard at Wilbur's frightened expression, almost wheezing. "Nah, and if he did he clearly doesn't care. I smelled it off of you while dragging you to your room." Techno paused, "I changed your shirt as well, also, nice pin," Techno laughed and grabbed one from behind his pillow.

Wilbur recovered from his shock quickly, smiling at the pinks and blues of the pin. "Tommy's pretty pog, isn't he?"

"Eh, he's growing on me." Techno joked, placing his pin back under the pillow and walking over to his bookshelf. He pulled a new book out of the shelf, flashing the cover to Wilbur. "Dream gave me this book, 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu." Techno nodded, his monotonous voice having a lighter tone in it whenever he mentioned the one Wilbur labeled 'Smiley Bitch'

Wilbur nodded slightly, a silence lingering in between the two. Techno pushed his glasses up on his face and readjusted his hair. Wilbur stares at the floor, his heart pounding in his chest, his vision blurring ever so slightly as he stares. Just say it. Come on. As Tommy would say, "You can do it big W."

He takes a deep shaky breath. He grips the patch of his shirt with the pride pin on it. "I think I'm in love." The phrase comes out staggered and punctuated.

There was a moment of silence from Techno before a snicker escaped his lips. "It's so obvious. Let me guess," Techno sat down on his bed.

"You don't even have to, I know how obvious it is, I believe it is to everyone but him." Wilbur sighs. His fists curl in frustration, and he sits himself on the floor. "I mean, I only finally admitted it... what, this morning?" Wilbur glanced up to Techno.

"Bruhhh, what do you expect me to do about it?"

"I don't know..." Wilbur sighed, pulling his phone out of his pocket to look at Schlatt's messages.

My Big Guy--Yesterday, 9:07
Wil? Ar yiu alriht?
Wikbhr plesse andwer tje pjonr
Missed Call
Wilbur please.
I'm sorrh, wjat did I dp wromg?
Pleade im geting worried
It wad jist a jokee
Are you maad abdout yhe windoe thjng?

Wilbur skipped ahead to the most recent messages.

My Big Guy--Yesterday, 9:51
Wil Im sorry
It sas jist a joke,
Us fallonh?
I founf it fumny
It wad alk judt aa joke wilbur
Im gokng ti slerp now
Plesde be sage.

Wilbur felt tears stinging his eyes. Did he find it funny?

He found his feelings funny?

Stop projecting. He told himself. He was guessing that Schlatt was still knocked out cold from alcohol if he wasn't bugging Wilbur via text or literally pounding on the door by now.

"...bur? Earth to Wilbur?" Techno flashed his hand in front of Wil's face, snapping his fingers.

"Huh?" Wilbur blinked at the sound.

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