33: You Can Knock the Wind Out of My Breath

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Warnings: Injury, implied s/h,

Wilbur hadn’t realized he had ever been asleep until he was awoken by water sprinkling down on his face. The once star-filled sky had been replaced with dark full clouds. The stars weren’t able to be seen, but neither were many other lights. The power was still out in the city, therefore resulting in darkness. He felt a bigger raindrop fall on his face, hitting him on the left eye.

He blinked the cold rain away and turned his head towards Schlatt.


Schlatt’s arm wrapped around Wilbur, and their bodies were a few mere inches away from each other. Wilbur felt the heat and blood flow to his cheeks, turning a bright shade of crimson.

Wilbur wrapped his arms around Schlatt tighter, bringing the two closer.

This was way out of character, even for him, in his eyes, Schlatt was like a goddess that was constantly high and playful, someone who was carefree but still had boundaries.

Wilbur might be invading said boundaries by doing this.

The musician sighed internally but let himself stay close. He knew that this position wouldn't last too long anyways, especially with the rain threatening to be released from the clouds so instead, he tucked his head into Schlatt's chest and would later blame it on his sleeping self if has to answer inquiries.

Wilbur felt warmth radiating from Schlatt and wanted to pull himself in closer until they were fully touching, he wanted the warmth of cuddling, but this early on seemed too optimistic and unrealistic. Schlatt wasn't a touchy person, to begin with, but Wilbur and his touch-starved ass were going to abuse this time, even if just for a moment longer.

He felt the slow rise and fall of his chest, to which Wilbur's head moved along with the steady pace of his breathing. He smiled and felt warm and satisfied, despite the cold gloom surrounding him and Schlatt.

Without thinking, he spoke softly. "I love you, Jay." his eyes widened in surprise as he realized that he just said it out loud. He held his breath in anticipation, hoping that Schlatt wasn't awake to hear him. Wilbur sharply inhaled and tensed up.

With fluttering eyes and a warm exhale, Schlatt was awake. "Shuddap and sleep, dork." He pulled Wilbur in closer, his breath hot on Wilbur’s neck.

Call Wilbur a tomato and toss him in a salad because holy fuck was he red right now.

"I- Schlatt, it's about to rain."

"We'll go in… in a minute," Schlatt interrupted his sentence with a yawn and a stretch.

“Schlatt, you’re gonna get a cold,” Wilbur whined, rolling away from the teen aforementioned.

“No I’m not-” The older teen was interrupted by a bright light illuminating the sky for a millisecond. “Alright we’re going in. I am not getting struck by lightning today,”

Wilbur, still trying to fully wake himself up, sat up and stretched himself out. “Yeah, I’m not feeling death by electrocution either.” Wilbur felt a raindrop on the tip of his nose.

“Help me down,” Schlatt groaned, standing up from his position. He peered over the edge of his barely angled roof. “Prime-fucking-dammit, getting up was the easy part.” Schlatt exhaled shakily. 

A clash of thunder boomed through the air, startling Wilbur into nearly tripping. Schlatt remained unmoving where he was, unphased by the loud noise.

“Do you want me to go first? I can help you get down easier from there. Or- or I could help from up here and dangle you over the edge.” Wilbur offered, stepping closer to the edge of the roof.

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