23: Counting Star(light)s

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Quick Before A/N: I know I switch between both Darryl and Bad, but I have it to where his closest friends can call him Bad, while everyone else addresses him as Darryl.

Warnings: None?


“Should we stop by our houses first to drop off our book bags? Or do you not care?” Sally had questioned Wilbur. She smiled lightly as they continued walking. Their houses weren’t too far out of the way, they determined. Both of the teens had walked probably five minutes by now, but the way they were heading, Wilbur’s house was on the way, and Sally’s was about two minutes away from where they were at this moment.

“I don’t really care, it makes me feel better knowing I have my stuff on me anyways.” Wilbur admitted. He didn’t like leaving his stuff lying around, not in a neat freak kind of way, but he felt like he always had to have his prized possessions on him, and since he wasn’t home, he didn’t want to leave his music journal or other things that he surely doesn’t need for their first time hanging out.

Sally nodded, seeming to understand. Wilbur could tell that even through the little bit of interactions that they’d had the past couple of days that they’ll be at least decent friends.

Wilbur was taking Sally to Callahan’s Coffee, which was a coffee shop where Bad had been employed for almost a year now. If Bad spoke highly about coffee (he doesn’t really like coffee) then you know it’s gotta be good. They only really sold coffee, and on weekends, donuts, so afterward they were going to stop at Niki’s family’s bakery, where they would stop and grab a pastry or two. That was the plan. Sally agreed to it, speaking of how much she liked both Bad and Niki.

Bad had left at 1:00 to go to work, so more than likely they’d catch him on his shift. Wilbur liked Bad. He wouldn’t say that he was close friends with Bad, but the green-eyed male made Wilbur smile, his innocence even after so many years of hanging around jackasses who cuss and yell all the time brought back joyful memories of when they all were younger. 

He remembered this one time when Bad and Skeppy had been playing tag around the different street blocks, and throughout that whole day, six other people had joined, first Wilbur, then Schlatt obviously, then Dream, George, Karl, and a kid named Noah had run and played with them as well. The eight of them had run around the streets for a solid hour and a half, taking breaks in between, and it ended up turning into a game of ‘hide and seek but you can’t hide in or behind houses’ meaning alleyways. Noah had won most of the rounds, being a really fast runner, to be fair he was fifteen when everyone else was eleven or twelve. Noah was Dream and Drista’s older brother actually, but, two months away from being eighteen, he had run away. 

Dream had told him that later that night his dad had left as well.

That thought had saddened Wilbur. He had always thought that Noah was kind of cool. Sally must have noticed Wilbur’s change in tone because she had grabbed his hand and started pulling him along.

"Alright, since we're not dropping our stuff off, does that mean you have money? I have some if you don't," Sally offered.

"Oh no, I have money don’t worry-” Wilbur paused, something clicked in his head. “Oh for Prime’s sake, I forgot to pay Sapnap back.” Wilbur groaned, facepalming.

“What are you paying him back for?” Sally questioned, slowing her pace to a stop.

“Oh uh, it’s a debt that Schlatt’s in, I agreed to help him out by paying Sapnap, eventually he’ll pay me back though.” Wilbur chuckled. He didn’t want to be seen as repulsive for having a few small parties. Then again he wouldn’t blame her.

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