14: It's a Date.

243 7 23

Warnings: None

Wilbur sat tired and impatiently in his Geography class, tapping his fingers rhythmically on his desk. He had a pencil in his free hand, resting his head against the hand, pink indents begin to form on his cheek as the pencil has been pressed against him for a period of time. He sat like a classic bored school boy. His body was hunched over his desk in a way that would be sure to cause back problems if he were to do it too often, and his eyes were glossed over as he stared out of the classroom window. There was a light drizzle outside, only dampening the outside world. The clouds overhead were a light shade of gray, the kind that gave you a nostalgic feeling that the rain would be enough to water the plants but not too much that your friendly neighborhood earthworms would crawl their way across your sidewalk.

Wilbur yawned, a quiet sound escaping his lips. He closed his eyes for a moment, focusing on the sound of the rain hitting the windows. Shortly after focusing on the soft pitter-patters of the rain, Wilbur's tapping fingers began to adapt to the new rhythm.

Wilbur opened his eyes again to see Mr. Hyder walking over to him, eyes bright and a ticket in hand.

"Mr. Soot," Hyder began, placing the ticket on his desk. "Mr. Soot, can you tell us on what coast Senegal is located?" Wilbur stared at the ticket in his teacher's hand. So it's one of those days.

A few years back the principal implicated a reward system for the students, where teachers and staff could hand out tickets to student's whenever they felt like it, (although it was recommended for proper behavior and participation) and the student's could cash in their tickets at the end of the school year, earning different prizes depended on how many people cashed in.

Wilbur sat up straight and gave his answer. "Oh. Senegal is located at the west point of Africa. And it's on the Atlantic coast."

"Good job, Mr. Soot." Mr. Hyder smiled at him, placing the ticket on the corner of his desk. He turned on his heels and walked back to the whiteboard, circling Senegal on the map. Wilbur glanced around the room, seeing a few impressed faces, and a few sleeping ones. Mr. Hyder, being the teacher he is, called on one of the sleeping students, Jared Larkos, startling him out of his slumber. "Now, Mr. Larkos, on which continent is the country of Cambodia located?”

Most of the class turned to face Jared Larkos, who had a look of panic on his face, clearly not hearing the question. “Uh… Brazil?” He paused, a slight blush of embarrassment rising on his face. “No, wait, sorry, uhm, Africa?” Jared stiffened up, watching as Mr. Hyder walked away without placing the ticket on his desk.

Wilbur tried to suppress a laugh that had formed at the back of his throat, due to Jared’s first attempt. He glanced over to Techno, seeing his brother laughing. Wilbur looked behind him, where Schlatt would’ve been sitting if he wasn’t at home for… reasons. Instead, there was a girl that Wilbur recognized as Sally sitting behind where Schlatt would sit. Sally waved at Wilbur, a small smile crossing her face.

Wilbur waved back, seeing no reason to be unfriendly with her. He stared back at the front of the class and listened to Mr. Hyder ask more questions to unsuspecting students. Wilbur pulled out his music journal, opening it up to one of his many half-written pages, writing a line of a random lyric that popped in his head, hoping that he could implement it into a song.

Ready each step you take,
Ready your arm as you aim,

Throughout the rest of the class period, Mr. Hyder had passed out a study guide sheet, given a practice test, and wished everyone a good morning before sending them to their next period.

Wilbur now stood in the hallway by his locker, putting away his Geography class items and grabbing out his math books. He looked at the note in his hand, a small ripped piece of notebook paper that had been ripped out of the corner of Sally's notebook.

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