16: He was Right.

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Implied/referenced Self-harm
Implied/Referenced Suicidal thoughts?

Techno, Drista, Tommy, Dream, and Wilbur were all piled in Dream's car, Tommy, Drista, and Wil in the back, Techno in shotgun, and Dream driving. Techno had his head laid against the window of the car, Drista sat directly behind Dream, Tommy sat in between Wilbur and Drista, and Wilbur sat behind Techno, scrolling through his phone quietly, having music blast through one of his wireless earbuds, a Mother Mother song keeping him grounded in the car.

"I have a Wii," Dream mentioned at one point, which brought back nostalgia for Wilbur. (And by the looks of it, everyone else in the car)

"Do you have any of the Just Dance games?" Tommy questioned excitedly, positioning his phone down in his lap.

"In fact, I do, and I will beat all of your asses." Wilbur could practically hear the grin coming from Dream.

"Nuh-uh, not if I do it first," Drista chimes in, hitting her brother lightly on the shoulder.

"hEy- not while I'm driving," Dream hissed, staring at Drista via the rearview mirror. "I want to ensure that we at least play Just Dance for a bit, order food, and watch a movie before you three head home."

"'m more elegant and smooth than all of you. I'll beat you, bitch. Speed up, I challenge you, Dream." Tommy declared, glancing at Dream through the mirror.

"I'm not going to speed, but I'll do your challenge." Dream snickers.

Wilbur laughs, entertained by the playful banter.


Hey, it's Sally!

Do you wanna try hanging out on Wednesday? We can eat at a restaurant and hang out at the park if you want

You added 'Salmon' to your contacts.




Wednesday sounds good. Should it be right after school ends? Or should I pick you up for dinner at a certain time?


We can go right after school if you want. I don't want to make this too awkward, lol, it's more of a 'getting to know each other' kind of date, and not an 'I wanna make out with you' kind, I promise.

"Hey slowpoke, get out of the car," Tommy gripped the shoulder of Wilbur's sweater.

"Hold up, I'm texting someone,"


Lol. Works with me, I'll see you tomorrow probably.

He practically throws himself out of the car, nearly dropping his phone.

Wilbur catches his footing and shuts the car door, walking up the sidewalk leading to Dream's house.

The other four teens were filing through the front door, Dream was the last one inside, waiting in the doorway for Wilbur to catch up and come in. Wilbur had been in Dreams house before, but clearly not as many times as Techno has.

"Welcome to my humble abode, children."

"I'm not a child," Tommy immediately barked back. Wilbur snickered, receiving a glare from Tommy.

"Whatever you say." Dream tosses Tommy and Drista each a Wii remote, turning on the old console.

"Clay? Drista? Is that you?" A sweet feminine voice came from the second floor of the house, and a middle-aged lady that looked very similar to both Clay and Drista came down the stairs.

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