12: Talk to me.

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Warnings: Blood mentions? Implied underaged drinking, implied eating disorder?


Five people were sitting around the table for dinner, each of them eating their food at different paces.

Wilbur was eating his sluggishly, as there was a lot plaguing his mind. Tommy was eating fast and anxiously, his foot tapping the ground quickly. Phil had already finished eating and was trying to make conversation with the kids around him. Techno had almost finished his plate, he had been silent the whole time. Fundy had finished slightly before Phil and the two were talking.

Wilbur really wasn't hungry, which concerned him a bit because he threw up his breakfast that morning, didn't eat lunch, and now here he was at the table with his family and Fundy, attempting to eat a plate of fish N' chips. He had so much on his mind but he didn't get why it was making his stomach upset.

"'M not hungry anymore," The brunet pushed his half eaten plate back halfway across the table, standing up awkwardly. He walked into the living room sitting down on the couch. He felt too awkward than to walk back to his room again, as he's been hiding up there for most of the day already. Phil followed Wilbur into the living room, standing in front of him.

Knowing full well that Phil was going to mention something about his lack of eating, he let out an annoyed sighed. Of course, he was right, spot on even.

"Wilbur, you need to eat, you were basically throwing up acid earlier and I know you didn't come down for lunch,"

"I'm genuinely not hungry, I don't know why, I promise I'll eat something big for breakfast, I just feel like if I eat I'll throw up." He wasn't lying, maybe he'd stressed himself out to the point that the thought of food made him feel sick right now.

"I'm worried about you Wil..." Phil calmly put a hand on Wilbur's shoulder, pulling the brunet in closer.

"It's not like I have a fucking eating disorder, okay?! I've been stressed the fuck out since the moment I've woken up, I'm just not hungry, alright? If I don't fucking eat anything for breakfast tomorrow then you can fucking take me to a hospital or whatever the hell it is you nosey people do." Wilbur hissed angrily.

Phil was taken back by the sudden burst of anger, "Wil, I- I'm just looking out for you, bud, I never said you had an eating disorder, I was just making sure that you're alright,"

"I've gone without eating for almost three days before during testing weeks, and you barely said shit, but whenever I get caught drunk it suddenly flashes red lights for the fact that I can't force myself to eat for one day?!" Wilbur brushed Phil's hand off of his shoulder, pulling himself off the couch swiftly and angrily, walking a few steps away from the older blonde..

Wilbur grimaced, the silence of his father made him uncomfortably nervous. He sighed, the nervousness along with a sudden weight in his chest making him turn around. He'd realized that he'd had another outburst at Phil again, and the extra silence at the table cleared the fact that everyone heard him yell. He was such a fuck up, he yelled at his father twice in one day, got caught drinking, fought with his best friend, couldn't eat his fucking food...

What was wrong with him..?

He pulled himself out of his short self-pity episode, apologizing softly. "I'm sorry, dad." He tensed up, gripping his arms and pulling at the skin.

Phil was silent for a few more seconds, and Wilbur could practically see the cogs turning in Phil's head. "I shouldn't have been so pushy, I guess, it just opened up my eyes that you're not as innocent as you used to be. I'm sorry too Wil,"

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