9: He Was Drunk. It Doesn't Count. It Means Nothing.

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Blacking out

Wilbur was shocked, for sure, but he instantly melted into the kiss with desire and longing. Chapped lips pressed against soft ones, Wilbur craved this. He didn't care that they were drunk, Wilbur brought his hands up to Schlatt's face, caressing his cheek softly. He felt as if he were levitating, his mind and body in sync, both begging for him not to stop,

He leaned further into the kiss, Schlatt's lips were soft and warm against his own in a way that was addicting. The heat of their bodies touching made Wilbur feel something more. He's never felt something as loving as this before. He groaned softly as Schlatt rubbed Wilbur's waist lightly. The kiss became faster, and filled with something more, lust, perhaps. Wil noticed the moonlight shining down on them, illuminating Schlatt's face. His eyes seemed to glow, and Wilbur could see sideburn hairs starting to grow in, as if it were shaved recently.

Schlatt's hands moved across Wilbur's body in a way that sent shivers down his spine. Wilbur shivered, releasing from the kiss with a gasp, there was a little bit of spit around his mouth, which he wiped off. Schlatt, however, went back at Wilbur. He smirked drunkenly, his lips moved down to Wilbur's neck, he nipped the skin, causing Wilbur to moan in his ear. With embarrassment showing all over his face, he wrapped his arms around Schlatt, latching on in wanting. His hot breath fogged up his glasses.

Schlatt tugged at the button up Wilbur was wearing. Wilbur's face became more red--if even possible-- but he craved more touch.

There was a gasp from behind the two, Dream had his phone out, but it looked like George had just joined, his hands covering his face.

Wilbur shrieked, falling backwards. Schlatt caught him, setting him down softly in the grass. "You're interrupting something," Schlatt growled, setting a hand on Wilbur's shoulder, tracing down to his chest. Wilbur shivered again.

"I came to tell you guys that Quackity blacked out," Dream smiled, a bit of concern on his face. He put his phone away and continued speaking, "But then I saw you guys making out."

"And I went to find Dream," George stated, looking away from the two. He whispered something to Dream.

"Yeah, I'm gonna---" Dream whispered something back, Wilbur only being able to hear the first half.

"What did you do-? What are you gonna do?" Wilbur panicked, his hands shaking a bit. His shoulders tensed up as he saw Dream's phone hanging halfway out of his pocket. This isn't good.

"I'm keeping it for now, but it's blackmail for sure," There was an evil glint in his eye.

"Don't you dare." Wilbur hissed, trying to stand up. He propped himself up on Schlatt's shoulder, trying to march over to the teen in green. He stumbled over his feet, realizing this is probably the most intoxicated he's ever been. "C'mere bitch," Wilbur felt sluggish, his body feeling cold and anxious after he left the warmth of Schlatt's grasp.

"You better be careful or else you'll black out too," Dream teased, walking backwards on his heels. Wilbur stumbled at Dream, Dream walked back a few more steps, it became a cycle until they were led back to the fire pit.

Dream whispered something to Sapnap, who had a passed out Quackity lying between his and Karl's laps.

Sapnap immediately looked over to Schlatt and Wilbur, A shit eating grin plastered on his face. "Finally!" He cheered.

"'ma… hit you.. alll,'' Wilbur slurred, "...Sh't.'' He grumbled holding his head as he saw spots in his vision. He sat down on the gravel, his mind going blank.


Wilbur woke up with a splitting headache, he grabbed his head, assuming he drank too much and blacked out. He saw that he was covered with silk sheets. He felt arms wrapped around his waist, warmth transferring into his body.

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