13: Late Nite Calls

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Warnings: Implied/Referenced abuse


It's Sunday night, well, technically Monday morning, but barely an hour past midnight. Wilbur had already made an attempt to sleep, but sleep was not coming easy to him tonight. Wilbur was currently laying on his makeshift bed scrolling through YouTube, trying to find a video or music to try and listen to, as he was bored out of his mind.

He went shopping with his family yesterday, Fundy went to hang out with Niki, and he had to fucking talk to Techno about Friday night. Techno was pretty chill about it but he definitely won't let Wil live it down. Techno showed him the video once again, Dream did not kid about him having sent the video to Techno. Wilbur still felt a twinge of humiliation at the video, especially when the lewd noise came about.

Besides that, he was currently laying in bed, clicking on a YouTube video of someone playing GeoGuessr, a game that he himself had become quite fond of. He sat quietly and watched the person attempt to pinpoint a location which Wilbur could immediately tell was somewhere in France. The YouTuber was about to check his stats of how close he'd guessed to the actual location, when a notification from Schlatt popped on Wilbur's screen.

My Big Guy--12:51
Can't go to school tmr
Parents found out because Sap got the wrong brand

Well shit. You guys okay?

Wilbur grew anxious, as he knew Schlatt's parents weren't the nicest,

My Big Guy--12:53
Yeah, Toby's fine, I'm alright for the most part, a little sore

Hhh, that sucks, lmk if you need anything.

My Big Guy--12:55
You wanna call?

Give me a minute.

Wilbur got up from the floor and opened his window carefully, shoving his phone in his pocket. He climbed up onto the roof so as to not disturb Fundy or anyone else in his house.

I'm ready when you are

Wilbur laid down on the roof, glancing up at the stars, He positioned himself on the roof so that there'd be very little chance of him falling off. He pulled his phone back out as he felt it vibrate repeatedly. He accepted the call from Schlatt.

"Hey Wilburrr," Schlatt's tired voice came from the other line.

"What's up?"

"Not much, just having a hard time sleeping."

"Me too."

"Why're you still up?"

"I don't really know, I'm bored, couldn't sleep..." Wilbur groaned, earning a small 'oh' from Schlatt. "Oh yeah, I'm up on the roof, still way too many lights on to see many stars despite it being one A.M."

"It's Florida, what do you expect? There's light traffic everywhere in this damn state."

"No that's completely fair,"

"I don't think I've seen the stars in almost a year. I've seen the moon but that shit's big."

"The moon also isn't a star,"

"I know that, genius."

"You love me,"

"Uh huh, sure,"

"Come on princess~" Wilbur cooed, he could practically hear the blush from Schlatt on the other side of the phone. Being behind a screen instead of in person gave him a kind of confidence that he'd lost years ago.

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