21: Maybe it's time to tell him

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Warnings: Slight NSFW mentioning


While Wilbur walked beside his brothers to Schlatt’s and Toby’s house, he continued to think about the conversation his father had attempted to start.

‘...And I feel like you’re drifting away and it scares me…’ He’s worrying his father over his stupid issues, and it places guilt in his chest. He’s been lying and becoming more secretive and it’s starting to scare himself even. Wilbur worries that he may fall down a dark path.

‘We’ve been friends for eight years, I can’t risk it.’ Wilbur’s only had these feelings recently. He feels that it’s too early to act, especially for how long he’s known Schlatt. If it was only a few months or whatever, Wilbur would have chalked it down to simple puppy love. But he thinks this may be genuine.

But why was it only now happening? 

Wilbur thinks of the search that he had put in his phone at some point yesterday.

‘Am I in love with my best friend?’

Wilbur sighed, he remembers almost clicking on one, but then Techno entered his room and he practically almost threw his phone. He remembers how Techno joked, asking if he was watching porn, and then laughing about Wilbur’s flushed reaction and hurried denial.

Wilbur chuckled sadly to himself, his emotions messing with his head.

“You okay big man?” Wilbur feels a smaller hand softly grip his shoulder.

“I’m fine, Toms, I’m just thinking.”

“Oh, okay.” 

Wilbur’s gaze dropped ever so slightly. “Hey- wait a minute. Did you steal my hoodie?” 

“I did the laundry, I steal the clothing.” Tommy shrugs. This was a normal thing he did. He learned that after he had tried to secretly throw his ahegao hoodie in the wash, but it being one of Tommy’s days, the blonde had tried to wear it to school. Wilbur just thanked Prime that he caught Tommy before he left. 

“Fucking raccoon,”

“Ey- no. Raccoons eat trash.”

“And?” A smirk tugged at Wilbur’s lips. He glanced at Tommy, whose eyes were his shoulder level.

“Shut the hell up.”

“Make me, child,”

“I’m not a child, I’m six-three!”

“You’re fourteen.”

“Yeah, and you’re only seventeen, you can’t call me a child!”

“You’re younger,”

“I’ll be taller though.”

“Can you two shut the fuck up?” Techno groans, speeding ahead of the younger two.

“Oooooh, Techno cussed,” Tommy grinned.

“Shut up or both of your asses are getting beat to the ground.”

“Violent much?” Wilbur joked, receiving a growl from Techno. “Alright, alright, I’m done now. Tommy, truce.”


The trio of teens had made their way to Schlatt’s house relatively quickly. Techno had been quiet since Tommy and Wilbur had quieted down a bit, although still guiding them to their destination. When Schlatt’s house was in view, Wilbur smiled and made his way to the front of the group. He seemed to be more excited to see Schlatt than Tommy was to see Toby-- Which surprised him a bit. Toby and Schlatt were sitting on their doorstep, waiting for Wilbur and Tommy to arrive. Schlatt had his bookbag sitting out in front of him and Toby didn’t have one at all, but he didn’t seem to notice.

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