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Wilbur sat nervously in front of the mirror in his changing room, staring at his reflection. He couldn't believe that in just under one hour, he would see Schlatt in the suit for their wedding. It had been a year since he had proposed to Schlatt, and it'd been five years since that night on Schlatt's roof. Wilbur was overwhelmed with emotions, bouncing his leg anxiously in his seat.

"Chill out, Soot," Dream sighed, "You're gonna give yourself grey hairs before we even get out there," he joked to try and lighten the mood. "I still need to finish your hair, sit still."

"i'm trying, I;m trying," Wilbur stopped his leg from bouncing by tensing up his body instead. "It just feels like I'm dreaming, like, this doesn't feel real."

"Oh it's real alright," Techno confirms. "The ceremony starts in... fifty-seven minutes," Techno speaks, looking down at his watch.

"Oh prime, I'm not ready," Wilbur states in a panic. He bites the inside of his lip and fidgets with the engagement ring on his finger. In just an hour, that ring would be replaced with the wedding bands that he and Schlatt agreed upon.

"You'll be fine, calm your tits," Techno places a hand on Wilbur's shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right." he took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself.

"I'm always right."

"Go shove a potato up your ass," Wilbur huffs in response.

"You better throw the flowers to me or George," Dream jokes.

"Tell that to Schlatt, he's technically the bride in this situation." He shrugs.

"He's not coming out in a dress though, is he?" Dream reassures. Wilbur understood why he wanted the flowers, but in this situation, it was up to Schlatt.

"Wil proposed to him, and he's taking our last name, so that means that he has the traditional role of a bride."

Holy shit. Jonathan Schlatt would soon be Jonathan Watson. That was so weird to think about. They've talked about it before, but it still feels so unreal. "I'm dreaming, I swear to prime."

Techno let out a small sigh. "You're not dreaming, shithead," he conveyed. "When you're done with that, put your vest on." Techno handed Wilbur the black dress vest that was meant to go along with his collared shirt, and Wilbur couldn't help but feel like he was living in a dream. Despite all the planning and preparation, he couldn't believe that this moment was happening. No matter how many times he'll be told that this is real, it only feels like a fever dream. Maybe he'll believe it when he sees Schlatt walk down the aisle.

"Techno you're breaking him," Dream sighed. "Alright, let's take a break, we'll come back to finish this in 30 minutes."

"Alright, come on Wil," Techno grabbed Wilbur's arm tugging him slightly. "Did you forget to take your meds again?"

"I didn't forget, I just- I didn't want to. I wanted to be myself for this,"

"Augh, Wil... You have an excuse this time. Anyways, go use the bathroom and try and make sure that you're okay for us to finish getting you ready.

And so he agreed and walked out of the changing room and into the bathroom. His first thought was to look at himself in the mirror, his collared shirt was a little roughed up, probably from his anxiety jitters. It honestly felt like he had drank three whole pots of coffee, he was so nervous.

"Come on Wil". He muttered to himself. He splashed water on his face in an attempt to bring himself to reality. "You can do this, you're only just seeing the love of your life in the outfit that you're getting married in. No biggie."

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