17: Cope

193 8 5

Implied/Referenced Self-Harm

"You alright man?"

Wilbur nodded hesitantly, retaining a breath deep in his throat. He quickly forced a smile, giving a thumbs up to the questioning blonde. Dream smiled back, turning back to what he was doing. Wilbur released his breath.

How does one react to this? How is he supposed to go about it without inducing more harm than good?


Dream's mum seems nice, you could tell her.

If you tell her you'll lose his trust forever.

But what if he fucking dies? It won't matter how he feels about you if he's dead.

If he's sent to a mental facility, it'll most likely make his health worse.

Why are you automatically assuming he's depressed anyways?

Most people don't hurt themselves for fun, think rationally.

Tell Techno.

It'll impact their relationship, Techno might hate me

Why would he hate you for bringing attention to his best friend's horrid coping mechanism?

I- Alright, he probably won't, but it'll still affect Dream and Techno's relationship.

FIne, find someone else


Tell George. He can help.

Dream loves George too much to break it off with him, especially when it was concerned over his well-being, right?

That's actually a good idea. Tell somebody that he adores and trusts more than anyone.

He was brought out of his train of thought when he heard the old CD player's whirring. He sat shakily, determining what to do next.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped on the GogyNotFound contact, unlocking their message history.

We need to talk.

Wilbur sent the vague message, placing his phone down next to Techno's book. He faked a smile, pushing himself off the bed. He stopped and listened to the upbeat kids' version of popular songs from the early 2000s.

The Kidz Bop disc was playing "Ex's and Oh's" two discs were sitting on the dresser shelf next to the CD player. One of them had a purple and gray cover, while the other was green and gray.

Wilbur shivered, feeling frigid and uneased, a wave of nausea rushed over him, he felt like he was gonna puke. He needed to get out, even if just for a moment. "Hey Dream, Do you still have your guitar? If so, can I play it for a few minutes?"

"We're listening to music already though, are you sure?"

Wilbur hadn't thought of that, he only thought of the fact that he needed an out. How selfish. "Oh uh, I'd like to. B-but it's yours anyway." Wilbur sighed, stumbling over his own words. Even though the pop-py music was playing right in front of him, he didn't regard the fact that playing guitar would impact the sound of the music. As the time went on and 'Ex's and Oh's' played through, Wilbur's hands felt chilled. Was stress making him cold?

He threw his sweater back over his head, pulling it down thoroughly before shoving his hands in the pockets of his trousers. He felt the goosebumps on his arms, sending a tingling sensation down his spine. The hairs on the back of his neck were on edge, and honestly he didn't know why he felt so uncontrollably cold.

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