6: I'll Fucking Kill Him.

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Dark Chapter ahead.
Trigger warnings,
Mentioned S/A (described a little bit)
(Skip to the very end of the chapter for the TLDR if any of these above triggers you.)

With a quick message sent to 'Father O' Mine,' Wilbur grabbed his car keys and headed to Fundy's apartment. The car ride there was silent and full of worry, as he refused to turn the radio on. Fundy never calls anyone to begin with, and so for him to call at half past midnight, crying, was a big red flag to Wilbur.

It was ten 'till one in the morning when Wilbur arrived at Fundy's place. He messaged him a quick 'here,' and knocked on the door lightly. Fundy came walking out wrapped chest up in a large blanket, carrying his cat, Boots, close to his chest. The light from the house illuminated his figure so that Wilbur couldn't see his face, but judging by the soft sniffles and the occasional choked sob, something bad must've happened.

"Can I stay at your place for the night?" It came out in a shaky breath, followed by a small whine.

"Yeah, of course, Phil won't mind, do you need to grab anything?" Wilbur asked, his worry increasing as he tried to determine the state of the dutch boy.

"No, there's nothing in that house that I need. I have everything important in here," Fundy holds out a small suitcase. "Well, except clothes." He pauses, he must've seen Wilbur's confused look, because he adds on, "I'll explain later, I just- please can we get out of here." Fundy let out a shaky sigh.

Wil nodded and opened his passenger side door for Fundy.

"So do you want to explain why you called me at twelve in the morning and are outside naked?" Wilbur asked, genuine worry flowing through him, although his tone portrayed differently.

"Sorry, I uh.." 

"Shit that came out wrong, I'm sorry man, take your time and explain when you're ready," Wilbur sighed, driving out of the neighborhood. 

"I was… uh- well," Fundy winced, petting his cat for comfort. "You know how I have roommates? Hunter, Reed, and… Dennis?

"Well, Dennis's girlfriend broke up with him a few days ago, and, then this is the first time that he and I were left alone, because Hunter fell asleep in his room, and Reed went to hang out with one of his friends, so...

"Dennis and I were watching a movie, just the two of us, and he was a bit tipsy. He had been drinking because Monica had dumped him, but then, then during the movie, he started… touching me, like, his hand grabbed my leg and crept closer to my crotch, and I excused myself and went to my room, freaked out and was gonna go to bed, and- I had just gotten my binder off so that I could sleep, and- and-" Fundy started to hyperventilate at this point, he clutched Boots closer to his chest and brought his knees up in the seat.

Wilbur felt rage inside of him. He didn't need Fundy to continue to know what was going on. He was going to fucking kill a bastard. "Hey, hey, it's alright, you're safe, you don't need to say anymore if you don't want to, I get the point, it's… well it's not alright, but you'll be okay, I promise. I'll protect you." Wilbur spoke delicately, glancing down at the dutch. 

"N- just give me a- second and th-then I-" Fundy exhaled shakily. "I can tell you,"

"Are you sure? I promise you don't have to."

"No, I already started to tell y-you, I gotta finish.." Fundy sighed, inhaling.

"As I was changing into my night time clothes, he comes in my room, not knocking or anything, and he grabs me, and I'm… too shocked and scared to do anything, and so he-

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