News and Questions

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Hi! So, as of July 7th, I had officially began rewriting 'Starlights' so far only two chapters have been written, but there probably will not be any updates for another month or two.

But wait, before you click off, I have a few questions and things to mention that pertain to the rewrite.

Important things to mention:

Firstly, the story will be cross-uploaded on ao3 and Wattpad, probably under the same username.

Second: the story was inspired by "sacred things that i am keeping (for you)" by crispy_ceasar on ao3. I binged it in one day and then inspiration flooded myself to make my own Schlattbur story. Very good fic, please go read it :]

There is a downside though, if you look at the 'works inspired by' you'll see a fanfic called "It's All So Incredibly Loud" by an anonymous writer. I made a mistake, which I do not remember making or even reading the fic before, and I had plagerized the intro. It's nearly word for word, which sucks. But the story was uploaded before I began writing, which means that I fucked up. I apologize, and I'm pissed at myself from a year ago.
I only recently rediscovered the fanfic, and I completely forgot that I "took inspiration" from it.
The intro will be completely rewritten, as I stole the first paragraph with just a few different words. Again, I'm sorry and I understand if you think differently of this story.

Second, the storyline will change most likely in favor of Wilbur angst, rather than him just being there for the experiences his friends go through. I realise that it was supposed to be Wilbur-centric angst, but instead I made it more about other people.

Third, there are some topics that may be completely rewritten or straight up thrown out as they are serious topics, and if they are not written about properly, can seem like a romanticisation about the issue.


1. I'm thinking of renaming 'Starlights' as I don't think it fits the story well; What should I rename it to? What would fit?

2. I haven't started working on the 'side chapters' yet, because the rewrite is underway: Should I begin working on them now for the original? Or write them along with the Starlights rewrite? There will be some backstory stuff planned if it's the second option.

Thank you for sticking through with Starlights, (a.k.a Everything's Alright If I'm By Your Side,) and I hope to see you at the rewrite.

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