22: Resolve

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Warnings: None?

Wilbur went through his classes like normal, but for all of the ones that he shared with Schlatt, he felt this unease. Not because of Schlatt's presence, but because Wilbur could practically feel Schlatt burning holes into the back of his head. He had the constant feeling that he was being watched, and it only got worse after two or three times of him catching Schlatt staring at him.

What did he do wrong?

There has to be a reason that Schlatt was just staring. Was there something on his head? Did his shirt look ugly? Did he get a really disgusting pimple? Was he jealous?

The last one seemed the least likely, because once again, Schlatt seemed to only take interest in women. The only way he could be jealous is if he took it as Wilbur got "more bitches" than him, as he would call it. Eventually, about half-way into the third period, the constant glances turned into snide looks and sideways glances that made it seem like he was angry at Wilbur. It was in fourth period that he was genuinely feeling like he pissed Schlatt off, but he couldn't do anything about it because Schlatt would leave the classes early and get there just a minute after the bell rang. He didn't get time to talk,

It was only during lunchtime that Wilbur confronted him about it. "Did I do something wrong?" Wilbur asked when he finally got the chance.

"What do you mean?" Schlatt asks, seemingly clueless. He takes a bite of baked spaghetti, one of the meals that the school cafeteria made into an atrocity.

"You've been staring at me practically all day." Wilbur sighed. He sat down and pulled out one of his folders with various assignments he needed to catch up on.

"Oh, that." Schlatt paused, taking another bite of his food. "Sorry, I didn't mean to seem like a creep, I'm just surprised that you got a date with a chick. It doesn't feel real." Schlatt chuckled. "My first date was a train wreck. It ended with my date giving me a snobbery as hell kiss. Hopefully your date isn't as bad."

"It's not a date."

Schlatt wasn't listening. "I never would've thought that you could've picked anyone up in all honesty. Not to be rude, but you seem a little gay."

"You say that like it's an insult. Also it's not a fucking date, Schlatt," Wilbur hissed. He honestly would've yelled but still had enough dignity left in him to remember that there were other people in the cafeteria.

"I didn't mean to sound insulting, but why the hell are you going with her? You guys can be friends otherwise," Schlatt snarled, a little bit of venom laced his voice.

"I'm allowed to have friends outside of school, alright?"

"I'm not saying you aren't. It's just that most people don't get dressed up and go to get dinner and call it a hangout," Schlatt argued, rolling his eyes slightly.

"I'll stop taking you to McDonalds then." Wilbur growled, it was somewhat of a joke, but he was starting to lose his temper.

"I don't get dressed for shit, Wil. You don't have to be embarrassed about going on a-"

"I just want you to stop calling it a FUCKING DATE!" Wilbur seethed out. He wasn't even angry, but the different questions that kept calling it a date are what riled him up.

He slammed his fist down on the table and shoved himself out of the seat. He grabbed his bookbag and his math papers and left the table. He didn't bother looking back and he ignored the staring he received from those who heard his outbursts.

Get it together Soot, you're just a fucking ticking time bomb.

He didn't bother grabbing a lunch tray or even lunch itself while he was still in the cafeteria. He wasn't that hungry and he could always just eat extra at home. The school food tasted like shit most of the time anyways. By the time Wilbur fell out of his half-pissed self-rant, he realized that he had stumbled into a carpeted room, and there were only three rooms that were carpeted. The Library, the Special Needs class, and the front office. He realized he had made it to the library. He hadn't meant to come in here necessarily but it would be the easiest and most comfortable place he could go to without being questioned too much. He's done this before one time or another the other three years of High School, although as far as he could recall this was the first time he's made his way into the library for a reason other than to pick out a book or see Mx. Auburn.

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