32: Starlights

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(Thursday, Part 5)
Warnings: None?

About ten minutes passed since the power went out and Wilbur had already figured out an arrangement for the guitar. He found himself pressed up against the open window in a chair, his makeshift music stand that consisted of a cardboard box stacked on top of a tote box held up his music journal and housed his phone.

Wilbur estimated that he had about thirtyish minutes of sunlight before the sun finally set and left the world in a place of darkness. It was already close to being too dark to read anything without a flashlight, so he was going to hopefully have five or ten minutes to play music. When he was setting up his area, he noticed that the power was out for as far as he could see. The only lights on were those of the cars traveling down the roads and the few apartment complexes that had backup generators.

So here he was, sitting awkwardly on his desk chair, his guitar in one hand and his phone and practically reading off of a cardboard box

Although his fingers were playing the tunes that he read from his journal, his mind could only go back to one topic.

Why did he yell at Tommy?

Things were actually going well with Schlatt, or at least, there was some sort of mutual feelings in there, so why the fuck did Wilbur snap? Wilbur honestly wanted to hit himself at the moment, but he didn’t want to risk dropping his shit on the floor, as one wrong move would allow for his phone and notebook to fall off the unstable box tower and tumble to the ground. Wilbur bit the inside of his cheek and winced whenever he tasted blood from it. It was more of a nervous habit than anything and he's stopped realizing the pain, but instead the metallic taste. With a sigh, his teeth released from the skin of his mouth and he carefully picked up his phone. He attached the guitar to his torso with the shoulder strap that he's neglected to use.

Wilbur opened his phone to see one notification. It was better than none, he assumed, but it still felt kind of shitty.

It was a message from Schlatt. 

He was a little disappointed that it wasn't from Tommy or his dad, or hell, even Techno, but with the fact that they all live in the same house and Wilbur literally freaked out in front of them, it would make sense.

My Pretty Princess--7:38
Did the power go out for you guys too? There are only like two lights that exist as far as I can see.

Yeah, the power's out here too.

My Pretty Princess--7:49
Y'know, since there's no light, we may see some stars tonight. The sky was mostly clear last time I checked, and it should be clearing up even more as the night goes along.

Holy shit YES.
It's been so fucking long since I've seen the stars.

My Pretty Princess--7:53
So, since this is probably a once in our teenage lifetime chance, do you wanna stargaze at my house, your house, or on call?
It'll be difficult for me to go to my roof without help, so I'm hoping that you can come over, but I'll make any of it work for you.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Wilbur’s face heated up, and a rosy blush dusted his cheeks. Schlatt would make stargazing work for Wilbur? Yes, absolutely would he go.

I'll be right over. My phone's almost dead so calling won't work.

Wilbur hadn’t even told Phil. He instead quickly tossed his chair to the side, clutched his overnight bag, music things, and a flashlight, and then left without as much of a second thought. Well, he thought about what may happen, but he didn’t dare try and backtrack. He needed this. He needed to see the stars at least one more time.

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