24: "I Love You Too,"

198 8 24

Warnings: hospitals, throwing up, toxic masculinity (Wil thinks it's not okay for himself to cry because he's a guy), self-injurious actions, blood,

"...He's in the hospital-" Wrecked sobs erupted from the fourteen year-old's throat, and that was enough for Wilbur to call Techno and get his ass driven to the hospital. The ride was silent and they had dropped Sally off, who even though extremely worried, felt like she was intruding on a private matter. Wilbur had tried to convince her to come along with him, but Sally still politely declined, saying that Techno would be there for Wilbur instead, and that she also had promised to help Rose with their homework.

But now Wilbur sat in the passenger side of the car, trying to wrap his thoughts around the fact that Schlatt was in the hospital. He knew no details of how Schlatt had gotten hurt, or even what he was doing to cause that, he has no knowledge of what time he could've gotten admitted into the hospital. For all he knew, Schlatt could've gotten shot through the streets of Florida and left to die in a ditch. Hell, he could've been dead for up to three hours now. That thought scared Wilbur shitless. The fact that he could lose his best friend the one time he didn't walk home with him... There was a large pang in Wilbur's chest, and a guilt that overwhelmed his mind.

Trying to keep his composure, he quickly texted Sally again after they had dropped her off apologizing profusely for having to end their hangout session early. Sally kept telling him that it was alright, and it was more important for Wilbur to go and see Schlatt then it was for him and Sally to hang out.

Wilbur gripped the skin of his arms, tugging and pulling at the skin to try and calm his nerves. He felt the pain of his nails digging into his skin enough to leave marks, and he grimaced. He leant forward and placed one of his hands up to his mouth.

He bit down on it, hard.

A metallic taste entered his senses, and he could feel his head spin. He had punctured the skin on his hand and now was bleeding into his mouth.

He hadn't meant for it to be an act of self-injury, but Techno must've seen it that way, because he placed a hand on Wilbur's thigh and spoke softly. "Wil, you gotta calm down." His voice cut through the pits of Wilbur's mind, bringing him back to his place in the car.

"He's hurt- he-, wh-hat if he's dead now?" Wilbur choked out, his breathing uneven and ragged.

"If Schlatt was in too much danger Toby would have called you by now," Techno paused. "I promise that he'll be fine, Schlatt is strong." Wilbur let out a small whimper at that. He tried to even his breathing, and he tried to stop the waterworks that were beginning to burn the corners of his eyes.

What if Schlatt died?

What if Techno's lying?

Techno can't be sure, he's trying to make you feel better.

How the hell is Techno so calm anyway?

Happy thoughts, Wilbur, happy thoughts.

"Follow my breaths," Techno spoke, moving his hand from Wilbur's thigh to his shoulder.

Techno took exaggerated inhales and exhales, trying to get Wilbur to follow.

When someone hyperventilates, usually it isn't a lack of air that's in your lungs, but instead too much for your body to process. Wilbur inhaled too much air, causing him to hiccup and gag.

Slow, deep breaths.

WIlbur could practically see stars in his vision, and he felt like a cartoon character.

Wilbur inhaled, and counted to five in his head. He held his breath for seven seconds. And then he exhaled for four.

He repeated the breathing patterns, shakily at first. But eventually he calmed himself down enough to think somewhat rationally.

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