3: Well, Fuck

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Trigger Warnings:
Slight smexy reference


Both males' faces were undeniably red. Wilbur was so shocked and, and, he didn't know how to respond, he stayed there frozen, his hands on opposite sides of Schlatt's arms, their chests were touching, legs intertwined, faces only inches away from each other.

"Poggers, alright, Fundy you owe me twenty bucks." The slurred voice of Jack Manifold snickered from behind them.

Both boys' heads turned abruptly, seeing two phones directed straight at them.

Fundy gave Jack two 10's and scoffed, smirking at the two on the floor.

You damn furry.

"I- uh- I- I'm s-sorry-" Wilbur was speechless, recoiling from his position so fast he basically flew backwards. He was so fucking embarrassed. He couldn't do this. He scrambled to his feet and darted out of the bathroom, down the stairs and grabbed his bookbag. He whipped open the door and ignored the worried shouts and glances of his friends. "I'll s-see you guys l-later," he pants, throwing his bookbag over both shoulders. He rushes out of the house, his heart skipping every few beats. His chest hurt, his head hurt, his hand hurt, his legs hurt, all for different reasons that all led back to the same issue.

Why was he running out like a coward?








His hands were shaking violently, his breathing short and ragged, his face a deep shade of maroon and his hair an untamed mess. Tears were streaming down his face, his phone was blowing up from probably everyone he knew that was awake.

Wilbur's breath caught in his throat and his chest was tighter than ever, he had already stopped running a while ago when he had seen Schlatt's house in view, but it felt like his body was shutting down. He couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or his anxiety levels.


He forgot to take his anxiety meds.

Shit shit shit.

Wilbur fell to the ground, his legs giving out, he pulled his backpack off of him and dug through it, his hands trembling as he tried finding his meds. He forgot to pack them as well?

Fuck it.

Call Dad, he can help you.

Father O' Mine
Call Text Edit Contact

Wilbur shakily pressed the call button.






"Hello? Wil?"

"D-dad, I d-don't feel good, forgot meds," a pained gasp escaped from him as his chest burned further. He sobs into the phone.

Why is he breaking down?

Nothings wrong.

He's embarrassed,

That's all,

But then again he forgot his meds.

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