27: Crazy

182 11 16

Warnings: minor injury, mentions of suicide attempt, suicidal ideation,

Wilbur was too exhausted to will himself out of the car after they pulled into their driveway, so he just sat there. He sat in the cooling car under the moonlight, trying to force himself to go back to sleep. It was discussed in the few waking moments on the drive back home that Toby would be staying the night with Tommy, despite the brunette's grounding, so the two made their way inside while Wilbur stayed buckled, being too tired to get out. The brunette closed his eyes, hoping for a dreamless sleep.

He actually was just seated in the car for another ten minutes after everyone went inside before he heard the right car-door open back up.

"C'mon Wilbur, you're not sleeping in the car." Phil cooed softly, leaning against the car.

Wilbur just groaned in response, mumbling something that even he didn't know what it was.

"I'm pretty sure it's illegal to leave you alone in the car." Phil chuckled.

"That’s for… children,"

"You're a minor, Wil,"

"Hot cars." Wilbur slurred, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

There was a brief silence, and Wil felt the car shift as Phil got off.

"Did you uhm.. drink again? The car... smells." Phil wrinkled his nose with a motherly exhale.

"Huh?" Wilbur unbuckled his seat. "No, uh- it wasn't me," he didn't want to outright 'out' Toby, even if Phil was an understanding parent, he might find Toby a bad influence on Tommy.

"I know it wasn't Tommy. he's been with me all day. Wait, was it Toby?"

Wilbur just nodded, so much for not outing Toby.

"Look, uh- before you chastise him, alcohol has been the only coping mechanism he or Schlatt have been taught. Both if their parents-" Wilbur inhaled, about to share the information he's known for fucking years with the family member that he should trust the most. "Their parents drink, and it's not good, but Toby doesn't see that side of them, at least that's what Schlatt has told me."

"Oh…" Phil looked disgusted, horrified. He knew what Wilbur was implying. "Is there… Anything I can do?"

"Adopt them," Wilbur said jokingly. "Slash J, that was a joke, don't-" Wilbur scrambled out of the car.

"Too late," Phil chuckled. He looked tired. In the dark, Wilbur couldn't see the worry in his eyes.

"Schlatt has a plan, when he turns eighteen-"

"Is he gonna try and gain custody?" 

"Yeah." Wilbur opened the front door, holding it for Phil.

"Thanks," Phil mumbled. "If they need help sooner than that, tell them to come to me. I'll fight for them," Phil said, a determined look on his face. Phil definitely got the memo that Schlatt’s parents were abusive.

"Thanks, I'll let Schlatt know. But uh, what would you even do?"

"I'll take custody, no problem. I'm already qualified for both adopting and fostering kids," Phil said nonchalantly, hanging up his coat.

"Oh-!" That statement had caught Wilbur off guard. He's not surprised, but he just wasn't expecting it.

"Tommy and Toby would love to be brothers, I might as well fuckin' adopt Ranboo too," There was a serious tone in Phil's voice, and Wilbur panicked.

"Woah there- you already have three kids, and Ranboo's in a nice home-" Wilbur was flabbergasted.

"Relax, I'm joking, I don't think I can handle three more. I mean, if I have to, I'll manage."

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