26: It should've been me

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Warnings: mentions of suicide attempt, self-harm (mainly just hair pulling and arm scratching), suicidal ideations,


Wilbur sat in the chair uncomfortable, taking Sapnap's cussing with open arms. He knew about Dream's self-harm and self-pitied jokes, but he never took it seriously enough. That was his mistake. And for Prime's sake, he's going to regret that for the remainder of his damn life, whether or not Dream survives. Sapnap had even gotten in his face and poked his chest a couple of times, leaving a spot between his collarbones that would probably bruise. Various cusses and insults were thrown at him and grumbled "Fuck you"s and "I hate you"s were thrown around too.

Wilbur took all of Sapnap's anger without issue, only mumbling small "I'm sorry"s. Even if it wasn't outright Wilbur's fault, he could've told someone and prevented this. Techno didn't bother coming to his defense or anything, assumedly too wrapped up in his own head. Wilbur didn't mind, however. He fucking deserved to be yelled at.

It took over five minutes of Sapnap pacing back and forth and chastising him before George walked in.

Sapnap only had to see George's tear-stained face before he ran over and embraced the brunette. Wilbur only offered George a bleak, but reassuring smile.

When Sapnap had sat down again, he sat a few seats away from Wilbur, Quackity, and Karl (who had arrived with Sapnap) took up the empty spaces.

"Look. I'm sorry, I- you didn't deserve that. I mean, yeah- you- you could've told someone, you should've fuckin- but- I- I'm scared-" Sapnap finally broke. Stray tears fled from his eyes again.

"I understand. I'm sorry Sapnap, I'm sorry guys. I was- I know I should've told you guys-" Wilbur rubbed at the spot between his collarbone and sank back in his chair. Quackity laid his head on Wilbur's shoulder.

"It's okay, big man. I'm sure Dream doesn't blame you,"

"Of course, he wouldn't- this-" Techno growled, cutting himself off and putting a hand to his mouth. "It's what he wanted..." At that, the whole hallway became silent again, the only sound being the now-steady beating of the heart monitor in the room in front of them. The courtesy of the door being cracked for that reassurance made him slightly calmer.

It's what he wanted.

But why would anyone want to... die?

It's what he wanted. It's what he wanted. IT'S WHAT HE WANTED.

The words repeated in his head like a broken record, losing their purpose as he tried to forget what Techno had 'enlightened' them with.

It's what he wanted.

Dream wanted to end his life. Something or- things had been so fucked up that he felt there was no necessity to live anymore. He attempted to take his own life away, and god damn, did that notation hurt.

Wilbur stood up, mumbling to Phil that he needed to use the bathroom.

Tommy sat still, his head laying on Phil's shoulder, and his hand intertwined with Toby's, squeezing for comfort. (PURELY PLATONIC) Wilbur locked eyes with Toby as he excused himself, and so Wilbur just smiled reassuringly.


Wilbur felt sick again but dismissed the overwhelming anxiety and aches in his stomach. He paced through the quiet hallways, seeing a sign on the wall that noted the restrooms were on the right. He turned with the hallway and entered the first-floor hospital bathroom, the smell of cleaning supplies even stronger in his nostrils. He went into the large unisex bathroom, which was made for just one person, so he locked the door and stood in front of the sink.

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