8: Truth or Vodka

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Drinking (Duh)
(I'm going to stop adding the Drinking, smoking, and drug usage tags unless it is like, really graphic,)

"Are you guys ready?" Sapnap asks the group, mischief in his voice as he brings out eight bottles of vodka and a plastic bag full of shot glasses.

There was a symphony of 'yes's and small cheers.

"How the hell did you get so many drinks?!" A high kettle like wheeze entered the room.

"Karl has his ways," Sapnap grins, he sets the bottles down in the middle of the circle that the group has made. "Here are the rules, someone will be asking everyone questions, and you can choose to either answer truthfully, or drink, so prepare to open up or be wasted," the ravenet paused, "If you decide to ask a question, it was to be open ended, not just yes or no, that's for Never Have I Ever,"

"I think we know how to play, get on with it." 

"So, I'm having Fundy, Bad, and Niki give a good majority of questions since they agreed they aren't drinking tonight," Sapnap joined the circle, handing them a stack of index cards. "You don't have to use those but they're in case you run out of ideas."

"Who is your least favorite person in the room?" Fundy asked, to which some people tried thinking about it, while others immediately drank their shot.

"Myself," Dream responded slyly, not touching his glass. Wilbur heard his answer and thought about it. All of his friends in the room he liked a lot, even more than he liked himself, but the 'myself' answer seemed like a cop out answer, so he drank, as he didn't have a better response..

Great way to start off.

"How did you get your most recent injury?" Bad asks this time, staring directly at Wilbur.

"I tried waking up Mr. Furry over here." Wilbur pointed at his bandaged nose as he answered, all while faking a pout and glancing at the Dutch boy.

When it came to be Dream's turn, the teen was hard in thought.

It's just your most recent injury? Wilbur thought.

"Patches did not want to go to the vet today," Dream pointed to a large scar on his face.

Why did that take him so long to answer if it was that…

"I set my hand on a hot oven rack and burnt my hand while trying to help Bad make muffins," Skeppy sighed, smiling at the other.

Everyone answered the question, there wasn't really any reason for people to hide that one.

"Most embarrassing moment in school or public," Niki spoke softly.

Schlatt immediately goes, "I was down at the beach, and the waves fucking knocked my pants down to below my knees, and as i was trying to pull them back up, another wave sent me flying ass over teacups, taking my swimshorts away. I stayed in the water and called for my mom for a solid five minutes, hoping I didn't get pinched by crabs." Schlatt sighs. "Basically when the wave flipped me over I at least mooned every one," Schlatt's response got a laugh out of some people. 

"Sapnap made this challenge hard from the start as he gave everyone straight vodka, not allowing us to mix it up with anything so that we'd either get drunk real fast, or we'd be more inclined to share." Was the start of Quackity's sentence, so he put his shot glass down. "So I guess I'm gonna share," He starts talking about a similar situation, where he was changing at the beach when he was real young, his clothes got blown away from strong winds.

When it came to Wilbur's turn, he thought about it for a minute, off the top of his head came the 'Window incident,' but he couldn't think of anything else more embarrassing. So he drinks, as he's not bringing that back up. That earns a questioning side eye from Schlatt.

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