✔️ UCSP (Part 1)

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Activity 1: Evaluating my Current Programs

A. Gender inequality in the workplace

Title of suggested advocacy program: "Ending gender inequality in the workplace by ending biases and implementing equal hiring opportunity."

Men, Women, and all the part of LGBTQ plus community.

Program Description:
Giving fair hiring opportunities and equal treatment for them. Implementing fair benefits and salaries regardless of their gender as long as their are doing their jobs properly. Implementing fair job opportunities regardless of gender or sexual orientation. And ending the discrimination against in men, women, and in LGBTQ plus community. Implementing equal chances for promotion regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.


B. Inequality in healthcare

Title of suggested advocacy program:
"Improving the healthcare services by ending the inequality in healthcare."

Beneficiaries: lower class and poor families, children, elders, pregnants, person with disabilities, patients, doctors, nurses, and health workers.

Program Description:
Providing fair and high quality healthcare services regardless of social class status they have. Implementing priorities of patients based on their state of need of healthcare and giving enough amount of time for those people who can't afford to pay their hospital bills. Implementing fair treatment for patients regardless of their social class status. Providing fair benefits, salaries, and hazard pay for health workers, doctors, and nurses. Accepting the patients in the hospital regardless of their social class status. Priotizing the patients that need immediate healthcare attention regardless of their social class status. Giving the public hospitals enough funds or budgets for their hospital maintenance and equipments that they could use for treating their patients.


C. Inequality in education

Title of suggested advocacy program: "Fighting inequalities in education with empathy and giving more opportunities."

Learners, Teachers, their families, and their communities.

Program Description:
Giving enough amount of time to those students who can't afford to pay their tuitions or make their projects on time. Providing funds and initiatives budgets for working students or scholars. Implementing unlimited access of use of computers and libraries to scholars and those students who can't afford to buy their own laptops or books. Deprioritize test based funding because it discriminates against disadvantaged students. Support teachers financially by offering higher salaries and benefits for teachers to improve retention. Giving fair opportunities to the students whether from private or public schools. Giving fair support and high quality services to the public schools and low-income families and ending the discrimination against public school students. And implementing equal distribution of academic resources for learners and teachers.


Activity 1: Make a movie review on the episode 28 of Sahaya

Title: Sahaya

Director: Zig Dulay

Genre: Drama and Fantasy

Name and describe the main characters:
Sahaya Alari Mangayao is the badjao daughter of Manisan Alari, who has a strong connection with the water. She is morena, intelligent, good friend, and a loving daughter to her mother.

Favorite and most dislike scene:
My favorite scene is when Sahaya asked for a glass of water, and she fill it with tap water, then the maid stopped her and give her a glass of cold water instead. She seems fascinated by drinking cold water that made her smile. My most dislike scene is when those goons hurted Panglima Alari and Ahmad Kamaya just to got thier consent for selling their island, I hated it because the goons used violence and didn't give mercy to them.

Grade 11 Modules 2021-2022 ABMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon