1. What are the different types of report writing?
> technical and business report, field report, and scientific report.2. What are its purposes?
> The purpose of those kinds of report is to communicate information which has been compiled as a result of research, and analysis of data and issues. Reports are a common form of writing in the industry, as the informed recommendations are useful for decision making.3. Who are the target audience?
> For the technical and business report the target audience are experts, technicians, executives, and non-specialists. For the field report the target audience are professionals and learners. For the scientific report the target audience are scientists, practitioners, educators, and learners in field.4. How is a particular type of report being written?
> Those types of report are being written to help intended audience make decisions about what information can help them. Used to convey information, analyze an issues, and provide a recommended course of action.☆☆☆☆☆
Task 1:
Technical and business report
Audience: intended potential audience such as experts, technicians, executives, and non-specialists.
Purpose: To present a solution to a problem in order to prompt action. And to inform and persuade a person for purchasing a product or service. Has recommendations included based on the research conducted.
Subject: Technical and business report that deals with engineering, information technology, commerce, accounting and finance that include specifications, manuals, data sheets, research papers, field reports, release notes, business design, and workforce-related subject for decision-making.
Field report
Audience: Potential intended audience based on the field report such as professionals, learners, and nation's people.
Purpose: Describe the observation of people, places, or events to analyze the data, identify them, and categorize their common themes. Report documentation of observation based on theories and data researcher's analysis which are used to idenfity solutions for a specific study or project.
Subject: Report of obervation and analysis of particular phenomena, behaviors, processes, and events.
Scientific report
Audience: Intended potential audience such as scientists, practitioners, educators, and learners in field.
Purpose: To clearly communicate your key message about why your scientific findings are meaningful. To report novel results, usually empirical, and to relate those results to previous knowledge in the field.
Subject: Process, progress, and results of technical or scientific research problem may include scientist's motivation for doing an experiment, the experimental design, execution, and the meaning of the results.
Similaries: kinds of report document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be
delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.☆☆☆☆☆
1. Based from the diffirent types of report discussed in this module, identify and briefly explain using your own words as to what particular type of report is the given example?
> Field report about cyber crime in the Philippines. Cyber Crime refers to the use of an electronic devices and internet such as computer, laptop, and cellphone for stealing someone's data, sensitive pictures, videos, and messages that could be used by the suspect to harm and manipulate the victim by using also electronic devices and internet. Stealing or hacking someone's personal data such as data document or data account is also cyber crime. Recording or taking picture of someone without their permission and using it to harm or manipulate them is also a cyber crime. Besides, it is an illegal activity that involves a series of issues ranging from
theft to using your system or IP address as a tool for committing a crime. Therefore, reporting or creating report about cyber crime is a must to give awareness to the people.2. Identify the key factors on the given sample report in terms of a. Intended audience b. The report's purpose and c. The type of information/subject to be communicated.
A. Intended Audience
> All the potential audience that could be a victim of cyber crime such as women, children, professionals, and students because they are the most vulnerable victims of cyber crime and they must be aware by creating field report about cyber crime.B. The report's purpose
> Reporting cyber crimes incidents allows individuals to look out for suspicious activity, such as money disappearing from their bank accounts or if someone hacking their accounts or if they are manipulated using their personal data so that it enables them to take steps to protect themselves. Or be aware of cyber crime activity so that they do not become victims and protect themselves from it.C. Type of information/subject
> The use of a computer and internet as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy. Providing understanding of cyber crime offences including offences against confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems.☆☆☆☆☆

Grade 11 Modules 2021-2022 ABM
Sonstigesmodules ABM public school student :) Subjects: ▪︎ Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik ▪︎ Contemporary Arts ▪︎ PE and Health ▪︎ General Math ▪︎ Business Math ▪︎ Reading and writing skills ▪︎ Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics (UCSP) ▪︎ Organizatio...