Personal Development (Part 3)

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Act 1:

1. Personal relationship
2. Attraction
3. Impersonal relationship
4. Empty love
5. Attractiveness


Act 2:

a. Cheating
> Zeinab Harake has been experienced being cheated on multiple times by Skusta Clee.

b. Controlling
> Kpop idols has always been controlled by their agency that's why they cannot date someone freely.

c. Unrealiability
> There are times that my family wasn't by my side whenever I needed them the most but I did understand why. I am always staying up with them because they are my family.

d. Lack of communication skills
> Elyse and Sevi had broke up for a while because of lack of communication and time for each other.


Activity 3. Relationship Goals

1. List your expectations for your current or future relationship goals.
2. It could be in the form of a song, a quote, a hugot or pick up lines.

> Love isn't always perfect. It isn't a fairytale nor a storybook and it doesn't always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. Love is a short word, easy to spell but difficult to define and impossible to live without. Love is realizing that every hour, every minute and every second of it was worth it because you did it together.


Task 1:

Situation 1: Conflict with the parents

My thoughts: I will chose my studies than risking my feelings and having a relationship with him. Ofcourse, we could have a mutual feelings to each other without committing a relationship. I don't want to disappoint my parents and I know that we both young for having relationship. Though, I will tell to my parents that I love someone, and he is not a distraction to my studies but an inspiration. But if he is against with our set up or he can't wait until we graduate, then I have no choice but to cut ties with him and focus on my studies.

Situation 2: Conflict with your best friend

My thoughts: I value my bestfriend's feelings so if she's really inlove with him then I have no choice but to basted him, and choose my friendship with my bestfriend that I know will last forever. But on the other way around, If I will choose my happiness, then I should be ready to lose my friendship with my bestfriend anytime. Because you cannot be happy knowing someone's feelings is hurting because of your inconsideration, unless if she's okay with it and don't have feelings for him anymore. Lastly, if she's really my bestfriend and she also value my feelings then she should understand and support me if ever I will choose my happiness, but I would understand if I will lose my friendship with her.

Situation 3: Conflict with your significant other

My thoughts: Jealousy is normal for a relationship, but too much jealousy is not healthy and can lead to a toxic relationship. He should learn how to trust me and my feelings for him, he should trust my love for him, and he should trust my words that I will never cheat on him. Being jealous to the small things even with your friends is toxic and so suffocating.


Task 2:

1. Being loyal
2. Trust your partner
3. Being kind to your partner
4. Being understanding and supportive
5. Communication

1. Why did you choose the values you have given above?
> Because I believe that my chosen values are essential keys to become responsible in a relationship so that the relationship will last forever, and will not lead to toxicity and unhealthy relationship that could might cause trauma to one of you.

Grade 11 Modules 2021-2022 ABMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon