Activity 4: S-P-E-C Analysis
Direction: Explain how the statement above affects the social, pclitical, environmental and cultural settings of the Philippines. Express also your views on how you are going to respond to these changes. Write your work in a yellow paper.
1. Social Change
Explanation: The people cannot interact with each other physical like hugging, gathering, and shakehands. We stayed at home for months and cannot go out without wearing mask and cannot speak too much to eliminate airborne transmission of virus.
Your response: Staying at home for a
long time may lead to depression, stress, and anxiety and affect our mental health and our physical social interaction with each other.2. Political Change
Explanation: Affecting the governing & political systems of multiple countries, causing suspensions of legislative activities, isolation or deaths of multiple politicians and reschedulings of elections due to fears of spreading the virus.
Your Response: The pandemic has triggered broader debates about political issues such as the relative advantages of democracy and autocracy, how states respond to crises, politicization of beliefs about the virus, and the adequacy of existing frameworks of international cooperation. The pandemic has posed several challenges to democracy, leading to it being fatally undermined and damaged.
3. Environmental Change
Explanation: The pandemic brought
more usages for non-sustainable materials such as plastic and fabrics used for making
masks, face shields, and ppe. Somehow, because of lockdown, the transports, cars, and machinery industry are not allowed resulting to eliminate too much carbon dioxide and air pollution.Your Response: During lockdown until now there are still protocols eliminating the operation of business industry and transports that affect many workers because they doesn't have work during pandemic.
4. Cultural Change
Explanation: The abuse of certain social conditions and that may endanger the safety and health of people to protect those powered or selfish people, leading to hoarding and smuggling of basic health products such as masks, alcohol, and foods.
Your response: Set an memorandum and explain to people that they shouldn't panic buying because there are open basic grocery stores during lockdown and smuggling is illegal and can lead you to jail.
Activity 5: Mind Mapping
Direction: Create a mind map about the Distance Learning that we have in the educational system. Consider its significance to the so-called "new normal" life amid COVID19 pandemic. Write your work in a short bond paper.
1. We do our classes online or virtual and modular, its important beacuse its our new educational system right now so we must adapt it and survive it.
2. The pandemic has exacerbated well-documented opportunity gaps that put low-income students at a disadvantage relative to their better-off peers.
3. One of the most critical opportunity gaps is the uneven access to the devices and internet access critical to learning online.
4. The pandemic has exacerbated the limitations of standardized tests, which reward a narrow set of skills and more affluent students who have access to specialized instruction.
5. Learning and development have been interrupted and disrupted for millions of students. But distance learning is much better than going to school that might lead you catch covid19 virus.

Grade 11 Modules 2021-2022 ABM
Sonstigesmodules ABM public school student :) Subjects: ▪︎ Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik ▪︎ Contemporary Arts ▪︎ PE and Health ▪︎ General Math ▪︎ Business Math ▪︎ Reading and writing skills ▪︎ Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics (UCSP) ▪︎ Organizatio...