ucsp (1)

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Ucsp (1)


How important the education?

Education is a privilege or not?

Do you believe that education is a human right?

Education is a human right of all people and every child because education is a process of having a general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judging, developing skills, characters, manners, and preparing our selves intellectually for future life purposes. Going to schools or studying is a step of having empowering right to flourish and grow as a person. It is not a privileged because having education is our right and the government made it a human rights for everyone.

For many Filipino parents, the education is considered to be the most important heritage that can be given to their children because it is a resource that cannot be stolen and will not be consumed. The right to education is legally guaranteed for all without any discrimination. States and government have the obligation to protect, respect, and fulfil our rights to education. All people has the rights to study. The government provided public schools so that people can study without paying any tuition fees. But it's our rights and it depends on us if we're going to study or not. Education shall be free and equally accessible for everyone, and must be the highest quality especially for poor families. It must be a legal right for everyone such as children, youth and adults. Poverty and education are intertwined.
In fact, one of the biggest contributors to global poverty is lack of access to education.

In order to effectively fight poverty around the world, the lack of education for children in developing countries especially for girls, must be addressed. Education is free and accessible for everyone, yet 61 million children around the world are not in school, most of them are girls. Educating children no matter where they are is one of the biggest steps we can take toward ending extreme poverty. The Global Partnership for Education is the only multilateral partnership devoted to getting all these children into school for a quality education. To make this happen, we need to work together with the public governments, nongovernment organizations, public and private organizations, teachers, and parents.


Giving enough amount of time to those students who can't afford to pay their tuitions or make their projects on time. Providing funds and initiatives budgets for working students or scholars. Implementing unlimited access of use of computers and libraries to scholars and those students who can't afford to buy their own laptos or books. Deprioritize test based funding because it discriminates against disadvantaged students. Support teachers financially by offering higher salaries and benefits for teachers to improve retention. Giving fair opportunities to the students whether from private or public schools. Giving fair support and high quality services to the public schools and low-income families and ending the discrimination against public school students. And implementing equal distribution of academic resources for learners and teachers.

Grade 11 Modules 2021-2022 ABMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon