Childhood. | Karikalan-Nandhini

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(Years before Ponniyin Selvan started)

"Anna, tell us a story!" Demanded little Kundavai. Aadhitha Karikalan was shook out of his pleasent dream. He turned to look at Kundavai and their young brother Arulmozhi Varman. The three after playing, rested under a mango tree in the hot summer sun.

"I can give you a mango if you want, not a story." Replied Karikalan.
"Anna, then give me a mango please!" Chimed up 8 year old Arulmozhi. Karikalan immediately climbed the tree.

Arulmozhi always had a special charm, Kundavai was sometimes bossy, but she was so smart and kind, and people had a lot of respect and expectations from Aadhitha Karikalan, since he was destined to be the future king. But right now, Karikalan had only one dream...

"You might be sweet, but not as sweet as my beloved's voice!" Karikalan whispered to a ripe mango. He threw it down and Arulmozhi caught it.

Karikalan climbed down from the tree. "Well you wanted a story right, Kundavai? Let me tell you one." Said Karikalan as he sat down. Kundavai and Arulmozhi sat on either side of him.

"Once upon a time, a girl whose beauty surpassed Rathi's beauty walked on the earth. She looked like a Goddess, however her dress said otherwise, as she was born in a humble house. A dying plant would flourish again under her gaze. One fine morning, a lonely prince saw her-" He was interrupted by the sound of anklets. A girl, who was around Karikalan's age walked towards them. True to the story, she looked like a ethereal Goddess, but her dressing was simple. She wore her hair in a Kondai.

"Nandhini!" Said Karikalan and he ran towards the girl. Nandhini smiled. Karikalan trembled due to the smile's effect. The girl folded her palms.

"There is no need for such formalities, Nandhini, you too are in our family." Grinned Karikalan.

"What shall we all play?" Asked Nandhini. "Why don't we spend some time at the lotus pond, Nandhini?" Came the reply. "What about your sister? She doesn't look very happy..." She questioned. It was true. Kundavai, who was rather happy the whole time was looked very red. Arulmozhi was about to finish his mango.

"Nevermind her, we'll go together Nandhini. Do you want to come Thambi?" Karikalan asked.

Arulmozhi looked at his akka. "Fine... You both go ahead, we will come behind you." She said.

Karikalan and Nandhini ran to the lotus pond.

"Akka, why don't you let me play with Nandhini akka sometimes?" Asked Arulmozhi. Kundavai remained silent. In her childish but pure heart there was a tinge of jealousy. Kundavai was beautiful, no doubt, but in her eyes Nandhini looked more beautiful. Moreover she felt that Nandhini would separate her brothers from her. 'Who else would protect my dear brothers from that girl other than me?' She would think.

When they reached the lotus pond, Kundavai found her elder brother saying something to Nandhini in a low voice, while Nandhini herself was hiding behind a tree.

"Anna! Shall we go for a boat ride?" Interrupted Kundavai loudly.

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(A/N): The cover of this chapter features older Nandhini! Isn't she beautiful?

Anna: Elder brother
Akka: Elder sister
Rathi: The Goddess of love
Kondai: It's a type of side bun, like the one Nandhini is wearing in the cover (If you are still confused pls google it up haha)

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