Kanne Kalaimaane | Vandiyathevan-Kundavai & Kanmani

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(A/N): This is a combined request from:

RitikaSingh829 (VT, Kun and Kanmani)
Scribbly_notes MadhurimaMondal3 (VT and Kun)

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"There she is," Kundavai said.

"Wait. Let me go and surprise her."

Vandiyathevan had come to visit his wife and daughter after a long time. Kanmani was sitting on the bed with her back turned, playing with dolls. Her father slowly crept up to her and covered her eyes with his palms.

"Mama, is that you?" She asked, touching the hand with her small fingers. Vandiyathevan chuckled and pinched her cheeks. "You're wrong." Kanmani turned back.

"Oh. It's just you." She said and continued playing with her dolls. Vandiyathevan looked aghast. "She's just upset that you didn't come to see her for months." Kundavai explained and handed him a basket.

"Kanmani, look what I've brought for you. Mangoes!" He said brightly, holding up a mango from the basket. "Thank you appa! You're the best!" Exclaimed Kanmani, gave her father a peck of the cheek and grabbed the golden fruit from him. Kundavai looked on with her arms crossed.

"Like father, like daughter. Always thinking about food."

Vandiyathevan stood up. "But her father thinks about her mother more." He whispered. Kundavai blushed. "Oh really?"

"Poor guy, what's he supposed to do? He's still stuck in the prison of her heart."

"You still remember that?"

"How can I ever forget those sweet words?"

Vandiyathevan lifted Kanmani, who was trying to feed the mango to her dolls. "Let's go to the garden, shall we?"


"Go faster, elephant! The people are waiting!" Demanded Kanmani.

Vandiyathevan was on his all fours playing the role of an elephant. Kanmani sat on his back, clapping her hands.

"Halt! What's your problem, lady?" She asked Kundavai. The Ilaya Piratti crouched down to look at her. "Oh great ruler! Today my husband is wearing a white dhoti, and I'm afraid that it might get dirty."

"I see. Let me help you." Kanmani got down. Vandiyathevan got up and stretched his back. Kanmani and Kundavai dusted off some of the sand off his dhoti.

"Take me to the swing, please?" Kanmani asked, pouting. "Of course, who else has the power to command me?" Vandiyathevan said and held her hand. Together they walked, with Kundavai right behind them.

"You sit here. And you sit on her lap." Instructed Vandiyathevan and pushed the swing once the two sat down.

"Eeeee!" Squealed Kanmani. Kundavai laughed. "Your thatha used to say that if you swing high enough, you could reach the moon."

"Really? Appa, swing higher!"

"I don't want my daughter to get lost on the moon. So no." Snapped Vallavan.

Together, the three played whatever Kanmani demanded. Soon it was time for lunch.

Vandiyathevan made Kanmani sit down and fed her rice. She bit his finger.

"Ey!" Vandiyathevan frantically waved his hand.

"I'm a tigress!"

"Yes, yes you are." Kundavai pinched her cheek.

"You're always pampering Kanmani and not me." Joked Vandiyathevan.

Kundavai ruffled his hair. "I would if you were a cute little child."

"Am I not adorable, Kanmani?"

"You're a cute big adult, appa." Kanmani replied, cracking her knuckles to remove the evil eye. "Hah! My beloved daughter herself has praised me. Take that, Devi!"

Kundavai laughed.


Kanmani was fast asleep. Kundavai gently patted her and walked to the balcony.

The half moon peeked from behind the cotton clouds. She spotted a constellation in the sky. As she wondered what it could be, someone hugged her from behind.

"Haven't you gone to sleep yet?" She asked.

Vandiyathevan rested his cheek on her head.

"So, once upon a time...I tried drinking somarasam once." He started. "What happened?" Kundavai asked.

"It's too powerful, Kundvai. Blinds the senses. Hence I stopped drinking it."

"Good for you."

"But, after seeing your eyes, I feel intoxicated again. What's the secret?"

Kundavai rolled her eyes. "Tell me the truth, did you drink before coming here?"

"Of course not!" He exclaimed and broke the hug. "Are you angry at me?" She asked.

He smiled and took a yellow hibiscus flower which he had tucked behind his ear.

"For you." He said and carefully stuck the hibiscus in her hair. The princess smiled.

Kundavai placed her palm on his cheek. He kissed her forehead gently.

"You know, before I leave, I want to give Kanmani a gift."

"What gift? Don't worry, I won't tell it to her."

"I want to give her a little sibling to play with" He winked. Kundavai covered her face with her palms. "Aiii! I have never seen the Ilaya Piratti blush. Show me!"


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