The New Generation | Rajendran and Kanmani

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This chapter is a combined request from-

miyameharin (Birth of Rajendran)
Devimaheshwari (Vanathi and Rajendran's bond)
SrivibhaSrivibha (Kanmani)

Hence, it's a bit long :)

I won't be taking requests (atleast for now)

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Arulmozhi was writing down something in an olai.

"If one person eats about 1 kg of rice. No wait. That's too much. Shall I ask for one granary load? No that's too little I guess. And I don't know how long it'll last. Emperumane! Please help me!"

The prince had trouble predicting how much rations were needed for their upcoming battle. Predicting the future wasn't as easy as math.

"Arulmozhi! What are you doing here??" Kundavai asked sounding disappointed.

"Akka, you're the brains of the family! Please come here and he-" He started, but was interrupted by Kundavai. "Vanathi is in labour! Leave it come now!"

Arulmozhi jumped from his chair and sprinted.

When he reached the labour room, Kundavai asked him to stay out while going in her.

Vanathi's screams from inside pained his heart. Being a woman wasn't so easy.

He paced around the corridors nervously. And then...

The cry of a baby was heard.

Arulmozhi was overjoyed. He wanted to rush in. But he decided to follow his akka's words.

The female doctors came out. "Arase! You have been blessed with a cute baby boy!" They informed and left.

After confirming if it was OK to go in, the prince burst in and walked straight towards Vanathi, who had passed out.

"I love you." He said and kissed her forehead. "You are the bravest woman I have ever seen." He said to her. Kundavai pulled him away. "Why are you talking to someone who is unconscious? Let her rest. Come, see my nephew." He said.

Arulmozhi peeked in the crib and saw a newborn baby, red like a tomato.

"Oh..." He whispered.

"Ey! Why do you sound disappointed?" Scolded Kundavai. "I'm not disappointed, I really am's just that he Why is that so?" He asked. Kundavai laughed.

"You silly, that's how every child looks like when they're born! As they adapt to the outside world, they change. But I don't blame you. You were our Kadaikutty, and you might have not seen a newborn till now. little Arulmozhi is now a father? How time flies!" She said.

"Well then. Can I give him a peck on the forehead. Just a little one?" He asked. Kundavai shook her head.

"Send letters to the Pon Maaligai, Thanjavur, Vallam, Thirukoviloor and elsewhere, Akka. I am going to celebrate the birth of my young tiger by holding a feast for all the people in Pazhayarai." He declared.

Arulmozhi smiled at the child and placed him gingerly back in the crib. And then he took hold of his akka's hand and spun her around.

"I'm a fatherrrrr!" He said gleefully. "Stop it! Stop it, I'm pregnant! What if something happens to the baby??" She admonished him.

The spinning immediately stopped. "Vandiyar would be really happy when he sees his little child, wouldn't he?"

"I can imagine him lifting me and spinning me around. Oh God..."

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