Siraichaalai | Vandiyathevan-Kundavai

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(A/N): This is a short chapter written for SrivibhaSrivibha

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Vandiyathevan lied down on the rock bed. His back wasn't prepared for such uncomfort, for he was more used to sleeping on the soft earth against a tree.

Prison wasn't fun.

Yet it felt like a sweet little break from all this exhausting travels. Now there was no one to order him around for now.

But...he didn't mind the Ilaya Piratti sending him on long and dangerous missions. Rather, he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the beauty of nature and comparing it with her facial features. And besides, she did need her own special servant.

The whole world saw her as a shrewd and clever princess, putting her country over anything else and destroying anything that came in the way. Only he saw her as she was. An innocent woman trapped in the body of a princess, just wanting to protect her loved ones.

Who knows? Probably she wanted to just travel around the Chozha Desam, alone and unidentified? If she did do so, would she request him to accompany her?

If that happened, he would take her to all the most ethereal places, feed her the tastiest yet simple food that the commoners eat and watch over her while she sleeps. Her closed eyes would look like a lotus bud that hadn't yet bloomed. Probably he would rest her head on his lap and sing her a lullaby of a bygone memory, even though he didn't quite remember the lyrics...

'No Vandiyatheva, don't get your hopes up! The princess will never bat an eye at you.' He thought.

But what else was he to do? In that dim prison, it was just him and his thoughts.


Kundavai paced around her room. That man was innocent! Tell Anirudhar that, he'd simply say that he tried to stir a disturbance among the people.

Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan...

Her head hurt. She was the princess, yet she felt helpless.

"Oh, what can I do?" She pondered and looked out from the window.

There she had a clear view of the route that went down the dungeons. She would sometimes think that the view was horrible as it lead to people, some of whom had committed heinous crimes and some who were innocent, yet trapped. Her Vandiyathevan was both.

He managed to steal away her heart yet he had done nothing bad.

She now wanted to go down the path and meet him.

As she thought so, a maid entered in the room. "Devi, the Mudhanmantri Anirudha Bramharayar wishes to talk to you in private."

"Bring him in, please."


Kundavai walked into the prisoners. Most of the prisoners rose up to greet her, some pleaded to be released and few merely scoffed.

After talking briefly to some of them, she went through a corridor into a seperate jail.

Contrary to what she thought, the occupant was merrily singing, his back turned.

"Vaana sudargal ellaam
Maane undanaikondu
Meni silirkudadhi
Meyimarandhu nirkudhadhi!"

Kundavai felt her mood lightening. She cleared her throat.

He looked back and smiled widely. "Welcome Devi! Please sit anywhere you like!"

He was overjoyed to look at the love of his life.

So was she.

Honeyed words flowed out of their mouths. However, as they spoke little specks of tears started to appear on the corners of their eyes.

Kundavai soon extended her hand towards him and he looked upon it with wonder, as if it was inaccessible treasure right from Devalokam.


Kundavai walked out from the prison her heart heavy.

Vandiyathevan made a mental vow to ensure that a tear never escape her eyes.

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