Velvizhi-A Modern AU | Vandiyathevan-Kundavai

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(A/N): This is my longest one shot till date- 2734 words!

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It was just 8 PM.

Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan parked his Wagon R at 'Black Diamond', a nightclub for the elite classes. Parthibendran had called him here, and it seemed urgent.

Presently, he emerged out from the noisy club while trying to support a man who was walking in a awkward manner.

"Is that..." Vandiyathevan looked on shocked as the back door opened and a drunk Aadhitha Karikalan plopped on the seat.

The COO of the Chozha Group of Companies, Aadhitha Karikalan, drunk.

Parthi made sure that he wore his seatbelt and took his seat in the front. The car started to move.

"Nandhini..." He groaned.

"Kadavule, what happened to him?" Enquired Vandiyathevan, concerned.

"He was in love with a girl called Nandhini when he was a teen. Then his paatti stood strongly against their relationship, caste issues, you know? So they broke up, Nandhini moved elsewhere and now apparently she's marrying some really old and rich businessman." Parthi explained casually.

Vandiyathevan still couldn't belive that such a strong hearted man could stumble to drinking. He was just as powerful as his name sounded. And marrying a young woman to a...thatha? It all sounded messed up to him.

"Don't worry, sir. You know that girl from our college, Devika? She's a hundred times more beautiful than Nandhini an-"

"Shut up, Parthi. That girl calls me 'Aaditya'. Aaditya. It's pronounced 'Aadithan' for heaven's sake. Aa, dhi, than."

"Never in my life have I seen a man more loyal than him." Parthibendran muttered. Vandiyathevan chuckled and drove on.

"So, where to?"


"'Chozha Illam'. Such a beautiful house, don't you think?" Vandiyathevan admired the house.

"I've been here many times." Parthi replied haughtily.

"So have I." Interjected Aadhithan.

"Sir, you live here."

The Chozha Illam was a big, beautiful house and surrounded with a well-maintained garden. There was even a mini river named 'Ponni'.

Vandiyathevan pressed the doorbell. Parthibendran was supporting Karikalan, who was now blabbering something unintelligible.

The door opened.

A woman opened the door. Someone must've cracked a joke, for she was laughing when she answered it. Her smile turned into an amused one upon seeing the unknown young man.

Complexion like a red lotus. Lips like pomegranates. A sharp nose and even sharper gaze.

'Velvizhi.' Vandiyathevan thought.

She looked like a sculpture carved with the utmost care.

"Nooradi palingai aaradi aakki sirpigal sethukkiya uruvamadi!" The song running loudly on the TV seemed to prove this statement true.

Parthibendran cleared up his throat. The girl snapped back to her senses.

"Appa! Change the channel or turn the volume off." She said to her father inside. Accordingly, the channel was switched.

"Nandhini? Bus pass renew pannithela?" The TV was now running a movie.

"Nandhini?" Karikalan spoke up. The girl finally took notice of her brother and rushed forward.

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