Archagar Veetu Pen | Karikalan-Nandhini

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Teenage Aadhitha Karikalan and Nandhini sat under the shade of a banyan tree, far away from prying eyes.

"Ilavarasare, I've brought you some prasadam." Smiled Nandhini as she handed Karikalan a thonnai overflowing with tamarind rice.

"Thank you! And please don't call me Ilavarasare or anything of that sort. Call me Karikalan. Or Aadhithan. Anything is fine." Requested Karikalan as he started to eat.

"Sure...Karikalare." Said Nandhini. As she watched the prince eat. "It's really good! Here Nandhini, have some. Why are you shaking your head? Please take it." Said the prince.

The slightly rough hands gave some rice to the flower like ones.

"So say Karikala, how is life like as a royal?"

"Horrible. It's a curse, Nandhini."

Nandhini was silent.

"Thanks for the rice. It's delicious."

"Glad you liked it, Karikala. I made it."

Aadhithan was awestruck. "It tastes even better now you say it." He grinned. Nandhini laughed like the pleasant notes of a Yaazh. To Karikalan, it felt like Amudham was being poured in his ears.

It is said that an old banyan tree is so big that it gives shade to all divisions of an army. Yet, under such a tree Nandhini could still feel warmth.

She, who was looking at a boat moving at a distance, turned to see Aadhithan looking at her.

The prince immediately looked away.

"Why Karikala? Are you scared of me?" She asked.

"No...elders say that staring at a young woman isn't good manners. I feel like I am troubling you know, Nandhini. If you don't like me coming near you, please just say it." He mumbled, his eyes still looking elsewhere.

"What makes you think like that? I enjoy spending time with you. Why, I feel happy and safe when you're around!" She said and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"You think so?" He said, now looking at her. "Mhm." She said, staring into the pupils of his eyes.

'Her eyes have some sort of mystical power.' He thought as he felt drawn towards her.

"Thank you, Nandhini."


"For making me feel whole."

Nandhini laughed again.

"Come. Let's do something else." She said. "Like what?" Came the reply.

"I'll show you." Said Nandhini, smirking.


The sun was fast setting upon Pazhayarai. One side of the sky was a bright orange with the sun shining like a gem. The other side was becoming dark blue, with stars beginning to peek out.

Aadhitha Karikalan was dressed in very simple clothes. A scarf was covering half of his face. One wouldn't have recognized him easily. Now that it was getting dark, it was even harder to see his face.

"Are you sure he won't mind?" Karikalan asked. "I'm sure Thirumalai Anna wouldn't recognize his own clothes if you showed it to him." Nandhini replied cheekily.

"Will your family worry if a beautiful girl from their house hasn't returned home even after night has fallen?"

"No. I go out sometimes during this time. They are kind of used to it. What about your family?"

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