Anukki | Rajendran-Paravai

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(A/N): Skkkkkkkkkss wanted another OS on Rajendran and Paravai, so here you go!

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15 year old Madhuranthakan was taking a nap under a tree, his trusty sword by his side.

A young girl around his age walked towards him, her anklets jingling merrily. "Ilavarasare?" She gently said. He continued to sleep, tendrils of his hair sweeping against his forehead.

The girl cleared her throat "Madhu!" She spoke in her best impression of Rajarajar. He jerked from his slumber.


The girl named Paravai burst into peels of laughter. "Sleeping so early in the morning, are you?" She continued her mimicry.

"That doesn't even sound like my father."

"How did you know that I was imitating your father?"

He couldn't help but smirk, defeated.

"Come, we'll go to the banks of the Kaveri."

He lifted his sword and together they made their way to the river.


The month of Chittirai meant that Mother Nature was at her best. Different flowers bloomed and birds chirped a harmonious melody. Ponni Thayi too looked ethereal.

A flight of steps led to the river and it was here that the two longtime friends sat talking.

"...and then I somehow fell down because my Aramandi wasn't proper. It was embarrassing in front of the other girls." She ranted. Madhu just looked at her, placing a palm on his cheek.

"Oh wait! I forgot to give you the Vibhudi." She said and unfurled a small packet which she had held in her fist.

"You've been holding that for so long?" He asked and smeared a pinch of it on his forehead.

Paravai covered his eyes with her palm and blew on the smear to remove excess Vibudhi. "I'm not 8 anymore, Paravai. I'm 15."

"But you're still irresponsible. Slide that sword back in its sheath, for you may get hurt."

He did as she said.

"I have a performance here and was supposed to stay at the temple. But Kundavai Naachiyar somehow remembered this fool and called for me." She said, plucking petals from a flower and dropping the in the water. She enjoyed looking at the small and gentle ripples formed.

"You aren't a fool."

"Oh really?"

"But you're a murderer for ripping off petals of that flower." He said and grabbed it from her. "Hey! That's mine!" She retorted. "And it's not like I'm ripping someone's arm off."

He rose up. "I'm not giving this poor flower to you without a fight."

"So be it."

The both of them started to mock-wrestle, something they would do often in their childhood. Madhuranthankan would always let her win.

And now, she pushed him so hard that he fell into the river.

"Oh no!" Paravai gaped at him. The water wasn't too deep. Madhu smiled at her sheepishly while dripping wet.

"Ilavarasare, I'm really really sorry! Are you ok?" She asked.

"No it's fine. Athai will be happy that I bathed for the second time today." He paused and looked at his milk-white silk clothes covered in mud. "Let's just say third time, I have to bath again after this, uh, mud bath?"

Paravai couldn't help but laugh at his statement.


Madhuranthankan had changed into new clothes and was now playing Chaturangam with Paravai.

"Just wait Madhu. My elephant will come and stomp on your king!" She laughed like a demoness.

"Too late." He smirked and used a bishop to kill her king. "Keep your eyes in all directions, Paravai. Now who's laughing?"

"If I do that, I'll become cross-eyed."

"You'll still be beautiful though." He said silently. She raised an eyebrow.

"What did you say? I didn't hear that."

"Nothing. I just said that's fine."

"Ooooohhhh! Don't lie, I know you said that I still would be beautiful" She cooed.

"There's nothing wrong complimenting a friend, right?"

"There isn't. But you denied that you ever said that."

"I did that because you'll misunderstand that."

"No I won't."

"Yes you will."

"No!" She said and giggled, her eyes closed.

Madhuranthankan had never met a girl as vivacious as her.

She was his best friend and he would never let her out of his eyes.

'Anukkiyar Paravai Nangaiyar has a nice ring to it.' He thought.

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(A/N): Just in case you're wondering who Paravai is, do refer to my note in 'The Children | The Second Generation'


Anukki(yar)- Female friend

Thayi- Mother

Aramandi- A Bharatanatyam posture

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