The Sun, The Moon and The Star | The Chozha Siblings

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This Chapter was requested by @AmayaK123

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Aadhitha Karikalan- 13 years
Kundavai- 11 years
Arulmozhi Varman- 9 years

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"Aaaand good! You've got the hang of it Arulmozhi!" Exclaimed Karikalan as Arulmozhi blocked his older brother's training sword with his own and smiled.

"It's just that your stance isn't quite correct." Said the older brother as he tried to change his Thambi's position.

Suddenly, the sound of anklets was heard at the quiet river bank. "Anna! Arulmozhi!" Called out Kundavai as she approached them. "Akkaaa!" Squealed Arul as he ran and hugged his sister tightly.

"Anna, I am back from Thirukoviloor after 5 days. Aren't you happy to see me?" Asked Kundavai to Karikalan. "No. I think it would have been better if you stayed there." Replied the latter.

The young princess mini-punched the older prince's shoulder.


Sitting under their favorite tree's shade, Aadhithan and Arulmozhi listened in awe as Kundavai recalled the stories the elders at Thirukoviloor told.

" apparently, the Chozha ladies would dress up Appa like a girl when he was younger." Said Kundavai while looking at her brother.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you planning to dress me up like a girl?!" Asked Karikalan.

"Hah, as if you have inherited appa's beauty!"

"A man doesn't necessarily need beauty, Kundavai. He needs bravery and courage. Appa has all three."

"Oh Anna! I was just joking. You too are brave and handsome."

"And you, my dear sister, are the most courageous, smart and beautiful person I have ever met."

"What about me?"

"How could we ever forget you, Selvame? You are the best of us three!"

The three smiled at each other.

"Coming back to the story," Spoke Kundavai, "I do know someone who would make beauties jealous if he was a girl!"

Kundavai and Karikalan smirked at each other, while the innocent Arulmozhi was confused.

(At Kundavai's chambers)

"Akka, this jewelry is too heavy.." Muttered Arul.

He was wrapped in regal silk wear and adorned in gold ornaments meant for women. Aadithan who sat at a corner laughed, though he started to regret this idea.

"Arulmozhi, just some light makeup, then we'll let you go. Okay?" Assured Kundavai.

Ponniyin Selvan was silent. His siblings looked happy, so he was willing to endure this sudden uncomfort.

"Kundavai!" A voice rang across the room.

Kundavai and Karikalan froze and their face now sported a guilty expression.

"Kundavai! Aadhitha! What are you doing to him??" Scolded Vanavanmaadevi, as she rushed over and started removing the ornaments on Arulmozhi.

"Amma, Kundavai started it. I tried to stop her." Said Karikalan. "No you didn't. Poor Arulmozhi!" Came the reply.

Upon being freed, Arul ran out of the room, laughing. Seizing this change, his siblings ran behind him too, leaving the Chozha queen alone in the chamber.

Vanavanmaadevi smiled. "Nishumbasoodhini Devi! May my children remain happy and united like this." Prayed she.


"The Navapazham tastes good, King Arulmozhi Varma. I, the queen of Manickoor, would like to trade some pebbles, handpicked from the banks of the Kaveri river for 8 cartloads of this fruit." Declared Kundavai.

The siblings were playing a game of 'monarchs' under the cool evening sky. In order to avoid fights on who would be the Chozha ruler, they had invented cities on their own.

"Oh queen! These Navapazhangal are magical. I suggest you give something more than just a handful of pebbles." Said Arulmozhi in his best king voice.

"Aha! These lands look fine!" Boomed Aadhithan from behind them.

"Aiyo! It's the king of Veerapuram! I heard he is ruthless!" Panicked Kundavai. "Don't worry Devi. I will help you." Assured Arul and drew out his sword.

The two brothers rushed at each other, their swords making loud noises as the fought with each other. Kundavai soon joined in with her dagger, though she was cautious not to hurt anyone.

Unfortunately, someone accidentally wounded Karikalan. His shoulder started to bleed, and eventually the three noticed it.

"Anna! Your shoulder-" Started Kundavai, but she was interrupted "It's Ok, Penne. It doesn't hurt much."

Arulmozhi ran to the palace. Kundavai tore of a piece of her silk robe, and tied it across the wound.

"I'm sorry Anna...I should have been more careful..."

"It's fine, really. Don't stress out malare."

Kundavai still looked upset. Suddenly they heard a voice.

"Anna! Anna!"

It was Arulmozhi.

He had a small pile of what looked like turmeric powder in his hands.

"I once heard a Vaidiyar saying turmeric should be put on wounds..." Said he in a low voice.

Karikalan smiled widely.

Turmeric was applied, the wound was re-bandaged, and the two of them sat beside the oldest prince.

Karikalan put his hands around them. "You know, I consider this to be my first battle scar."

Kundavai and Arulmozhi smiled faintly at him, and they looked at the gently flowing Kaveri.

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Nishumbasoodhini Devi- The family deity of the Chozhas

Selvam(e)- Wealth, beloved

Naavapazham- Jamun

Malar(e)- Flower

Vaidiyar- Doctor

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