Parents To-Be | Arulmozhi-Vanathi

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(A continuation of 'Poems, Elephants and Dreams')

"Vanathi, Vanathi." Kundavai called out as she walked inside Vanathi's room. Inside, she saw a man crouching over the bedside table.

"...Vanathi?" She blurted out. The man, who turned out to be Arulmozhi Varman, looked back and smiled at his akka. He had a plate of Adirasams.

"Arulmozhi! What are you doing here?" Queried the Ilaya Piratti. "Nothing much, akka. Vanathi likes Adhirasam right? So I am keeping some for her." Came the reply.

"If you just keep them, that's fine Thambi. Why are you arranging them like a tower?" Teased Kundavai as she saw the neatly stacked Adhirasams on the table. "Oh that's nothing much, akka. If you're giving a gift, shouldn't it look good?" Prattled he.

"What about this nice scent? Seems like jasmine."

"I sprinkled some jasmine perfume on the bed."

"Oh is that so? Then what about these new silks?"

"I have no idea about that."

"I know when you're lying, Arulmozhi. There are more lamps in the room than usual."

"It felt rather dim to me, akka."

"Why are the furniture rearranged? But I must say, it must be nice having a view of the night sky from the bed."

"That's what I too thought! But akka, these are just some minor arrangements for my dear wife."

"If all these are for your dear wife, why do I see a small gold chain and a tiger tooth pendant on that table? They look as if they are made for babies."

Arulmozhi sported a guilty expression and smiled. "They are for babies, akka. If it's a girl, the gold chain is hers. And if it's a boy, I'll just attach the pendant on the chain." He explained. Kundavai stared open mouthed at him.

"I'm going to become an aunt? Why didn't either of you say this to me?" She asked trying not to laugh. "Vanathi didn't say that to you?" Asked Arulmozhi.

"Didn't say what?" Said a gentle voice. Vanathi was at the doorway. Kundavai walked towards her and pinched her cheek. "You both talk. I have some work to do." She said, winking at Arulmozhi and left.

"The looks different!" Exclaimed Vanathi happily as she walked around. "I arranged it in such a way that you have much more room to walk around. I moved all the furniture with my own hands." Explained he.

"I love it! Thank yo-" Vanathi suddenly paused. She picked up the gold chain from the table and gasped. "For our child." Said Varman softly

Vanathi broke into a wide smile. Arulmozhi came forward and held her free hand.

"You like it? Will it suit our child?" He asked. Vanathi looked at him. "You know, you will be the best father ever, Ilavarasare. If you are already ready with gifts for an unborn child, how much will you care for him or her as they grow up?" She said shakily. "It's my duty, Vanathi." He replied.

"Sit here, Devi." He guided the princess to a lounge bed, and sat on the floor.

"I hope it'll be a girl." He started.

"Nope. I want a mini version of you, so that whenever I am angry at you, I can scold him."

"Scold him? Don't do that Devi."

"I can never be angry at you Ilavarasare. How can I scold him then?"

Arulmozhi chuckled.

"Fine then. But if we have a girl, we'll treat her like a princess!"

"Don't be silly! She'll already be a princess!"

"Sorry, my tounge slipped. I meant to say 'Goddess'."

"We'll bring her up to be like your akka."

"As much I love my thamakkaiyar, it would be better to leave her with her own thoughts and dreams."

"I didn't mean like that. I want her to be as smart, brave and beautiful like Kundavai Pirattiyar, Sembiyan Maadeviyaar, Vanavanmaadevi or Kalyani Devi."

"You mean you aren't smart, brave or beautiful?"

"Ilavarasare, come and sit next to me please."

Arulmozhi obliged. He sat next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"I wanted to inform the other members of the royal family after breaking the news to you. I'm sorry I couldn't inform the Ilaya Piratti earlier."

"That's fine. But...answer my question, Kanne."

Vanathi sighed.

"I'm not brave. Have you forgotten how much I used to faint back in the day?" She mumbled.

"Just because you used to faint all those years back doesn't mean that you aren't brave. Courage has many forms. Just because yours isn't seen openly, it doesn't mean you're a coward. Have you forgotten the time you saved Poonguzhali from a crocodile? Or your oath, which many women would hesitate to take?" He affirmed.

Vanathi simply smiled.

"Here, have a Adirasam." He handed her one.

They both talked for a long time about their to-be born child and its future. After sometime, Vanathi decided to just listen.

A few more minutes passed.

"...anyways Vanathi, I have to leave. I have to go oversee the army training." He said and looked at her. Vanathi was fast asleep.

Arulmozhi grinned.

"Maybe I could just stay here for just sometime more."

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(A/N): The chapter you all had asked for! Hope you liked it!


Adhirasam- A sweet made from jaggery and rice flour.

Thamakkaiyar- Elder sister. Not used for cousins or other women older women. It's only used to signify one's own sister.

Ilaya Piratti- Younger Princess

Kalyani Devi- Sundara Chozhan's mother. Arinjaya Chozhan's wife. Known for her beauty and golden skintone.

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