Ratna Maadevi

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This chapter is dedicated to @Mahiiimaa , who wished for a crossover between Kaashmora's Ratna Mahadevi and Ponniyin Selvan's Aaditha Karikalan.

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Disclaimer: The story and characters of the movie 'Kaashmora' do not belong to me. I do not claim the story and characters of the movie.

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The Chozha army was marching to the kingdom of Vikranthaka. They camped on the outskirts of the capital.

In a big tent, Aaditha Karikalan along with Parthibendra Pallavan and other important generals were talking about the strategies they should use.

"I hope all the elephants are well fed and trained and could even squish the enemies with their foot." Said Aadithan. "Yes my prince! If we wish to we can cause chaos within the enemy's army." Replied Parthibendran. "Good. Then what about th-" Before Aadithan could finish his sentence, he heard soldiers shouting outside.

The young prince stepped out of the tent to see a masked woman on a horse. The Chozha soldiers were pointing spears at her. Aadithan gestured them to move away.

"Who are you lady? Don't you know that this is the Chozha camping site? It is dangerous for you to be here, that too alone. Please leave." He spoke.

"I very well know that the Chozha armies are camping here. I wish to meet that 'brave' Chozha prince." She jeered, with a mock emphasis on 'brave'. "I am that prince you talk about" He said.

She got down from the horse. "I wish to battle with you." She told.

The soldiers started laughing. Karikalan raised his hand. Everyone fell silent.

"I do not wish to fight with a woman."

"Why? Are you scared?"

Aaditha Karikalan smirked and unsheathed his sword. "As you wish, princess." Said he. The duel started.

The soldiers thought that their prince would win easily. But to their surprise, they both fought for a long time. It was like Arjunan and Karnan fighting, both were equally proficient.

At last, Aaditha Karikalan spoke "Let us stop." The woman readily paused.

"I have heard about Ratna Maadevi, the princess of this kingdom. They say that she is more courageous than the crown prince himself. Are you that famed princess?" He asked. The woman unmasked. She had porcelain skin and ebony eyes which radiated bravery from them. "How did you guess that it was me?" She asked. "I just guessed it. Please return to your palace. I shall come to your palace tomorrow with some of my friends." He said.

Ratna Mahadevi smiled at the prince. She then got on her horse and rode away into the darkness. Parthibendra Pallavan watched her, wide-mouthed.

"Careful, Parthidendra! A fly just went into your mouth!" Guffawed Karikalan. Parthibendran immediately closed his mouth.


A feast was arranged for the Chozhas. Aadithan, Parthibendran and other ate and drank happily with the king, Vijayanarayana Maruthapathi.

Later on, the Chozha prince went for a stroll in the palace gardens. "Shall we duel?" A voice whispered behind him. Aadithan turned to see Ratna Mahadevi. "You need not ask twice." He said, grinning.

It was the same like yesterday's. Never-ending and tiring. They soon stopped and sat on a bench. "Who was that bald idiot smirking at you during the feast?" Asked Karikalan. "You mean Raj Nayak? He is a warlord. Even my father, the king is afraid of him." Replied Ratna.

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