Poems, Elephants and Dreams | Arulmozhi-Vanathi

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(A few years after Ponniyin Selvan ended. Arulmozhi Varman and Vanathi are married)

Arulmozhi Varman walked quickly through the palace corridors and stopped at a room. The mild fragrance of incense confirmed that he had arrived at his destination.

He went in and saw his wife, Vanathi, looking out through a window. She sensed his presence and looked behind.

"Devi! Take these!" Said Arulmozhi as he handed Vanathi an Olai and a quill.

"What a surprise! My husband has come to see me after many days." Teased Vanathi. In a way, it was true. Arulmozhi was too busy with royal duties.

"I wanted to take you on an elephant ride. I also heard that the Princess from Kodumbaloor could write good poems." Spoke he. "You are taking me on a ride?" Asked Vanathi, excited.

"Mhm. And you are going to write me a poem."


"Ayya! Please ask your elephant not to shake too much." Laughed Vanathi as she tried to write.

They were taking a secret route in the forest. It felt nice to spend some time together alone.

"I'll try Devi. But I doubt this guy will listen to me!" Answered Arulmozhi.

"How did you know I used to write poems? It has been a really long time."

"A little bird told me."

Vanathi was reminded of their first meeting and blushed. "Oh! So now birds can talk?" Asked she.

"Of course! Why, a beautiful parrot is sitting behind me as I speak."

"I won't be flattered so easily Ayya. Better luck next time."

Arulmozhi laughed. The elephant suddenly halted. "Would you like some mangoes, Devi?" Asked he. Vanathi nodded.

The Prince plucked a ripe mango. Taking out a small dagger, he cut it into pieces and handed some to Vanathi.

"Here, give these to the elephant, Swami." Said the princess.

After eating they resumed their journey.

"Might I ask Ammani, what did you see in me? Why were you so determined to marry me?" Asked Varman. "I would like to ask you the same question." Came the reply.

"After I realized that you loved me...hmm...I can't think of any particular reason Devi."


"Nevermind that. Have you finished writing your poem, Kanne?"

"Yes Arase!"

"Very well then. We've reached."


They had come to a lake hidden deep in the forest. There was a half-ruined mandapam nearby.

Vanathi went inside the mandapam and removed some cobwebs. Varman returned soon returned with a bunch of lotuses. She gasped upon looking at them. "This reminded me of you, Devi. Beautiful and pure." Said he.

Vanathi smiled brightly. "Now where is my poem?" Beamed Arulmozhi.

They both sat down. Arulmozhi Varman took the olai and started to read it.

"'Arulmozhi Varman'. My name? Is that all?"

"Your name was the sweetest poem I could think of at the moment."

Arulmozhi grinned. He thought about how much love this woman had for him. He was truly a lucky person!

Then he rest his head on Vanathi's lap. She playfully plucked a lotus petal and placed it on his nose. "Vanathi! What is this childishness?" Saying so, he tried to blow away the petal.

"Look at who's talking! Now am I childish?"

"Fine, fine. I am the child. Happy?"

"Very much!"

A short pause.

"Devi, can I talk to you about my dreams?"

"Of course! Who else would you talk to regarding your aspirations?"

"My akka?"

"I mean, you are not wrong."

"Devi, I want to build a temple for Lord Parameshwaran. A really tall one."

"Really? How big Arase?"

"They say you can see Lanka from the Srirangam gopuram, Ammani. I would like something similar to that. A Dakshina Meru."

"I shall pray to God that this dream of yours should come true."

"Thank you!"

"Ayya! Your dreams are my dreams too. I will always support you, no matter what. So please don't thank me."

"I was thinking about how fortunate I am. You just proved it Kanne."

Again, there was silence for a few minutes.

"Do you have anything to say to me Vanathi?"

"Yes arase."

"And what might that be?"

Arulmozhi looked up at Vanathi's face. Vanathi, who was stroking his hair, suddenly stopped and looked at him.

And she smiled. It was a smile so warm that he felt his heart melting.

"Naadha, you are going to become a father soon."


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Olai- Palm leaf

Parameshwaran- Lord Siva

Gopuram- Temple tower

Dakshina Meru- Meru (mountain) of the South

Naadha- Beloved

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