The Mute Damsel | Sundara Chozhan-Oomai Rani

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(Slight PS-2 spoilers ahead!)

(A/N): Text in this bracket [(Text)] represents sign language.

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(Years before Ponniyin Selvan started)

A young man stepped out of his makeshift hut. Upon seeing his attire, one might easily think he's a peasant living on some seashore in Eezham. But his face didn't suggest so.

Sure, a lot of peasants look handsome. But this young man's handsomeness had a royal touch to it.

This was due to the fact that he was Paranthaka 'Sundara' Chozhan. He was named after his grandfather, Paranthakan I. He had inherited most of his beauty from his mother, Kalyani. As he was considered to be the epitome of male beauty, the people would call him Sundara Chozhan. Eventually, the name stuck.

Why was this prince in a makeshift hut, far far away from home? The Chozhas had come on a expedition to Eezham, and this prince stayed back, for a mute damsel.

Of course, this was long, long back before he was called back to his homeland, led the Chozhas to glory once again, married Vaanamadevi and became the father of three children namely Aaditha Karikalan, Kundavai and Arulmozhi Varman.

Right now, he was reclining against a coconut tree and was admiring the the calm, dreamy sea which was humming a soft tune while touching the hot sand at times.

Ah! How peaceful was life in the heaven, away from the punishment called royal duties.

As he was drowned in this thought, someone bear hugged him from behind.

Sundara Chozhan smiled and turned behind to see Mandakini, the mute damsel whom he loved with all his heart. She had a round face, big black eyes and tan skin. Her full lips parted to give a bedazzling smile.

Sundara Chozhan hummed a love song he had heard back when he was in the Chozha Naadu and caressed Mandakini's soft, long and black hair which resembled a stormy sea. Of course, the deaf girl could not hear it. But their eyes spoke a language far more beautiful than any other language on Earth, the language of love. Sundara Chozhan now began to converse with her in sign language.

[Where is your grandfather?]

The prince had learned sign language rather quickly after meeting this girl.

[He has gone out, to the market place.]

[Is it?]

[Yes. I have always meant to ask you something. Both of us are separated from our families now. I miss my sister and brother a lot. What about you? Don't you miss them?]

[I do. Sometimes I think about my parents, my grandfather, my uncles.]

[Why can't you go there then? We'll both go together.]

[No, my love. They wouldn't accept us together.]

Mandakini's face dullened. [But why?]

[Those are just stupid rules made by men. Let us live together, on this island and spend our days together.]

[Aren't you a prince? Wouldn't you become the next king? Isn't your duty towards your people?]

[My love, I have two elder uncles. I would be greatly surprised if my father would become the king. But, even if I don't become the king, I still am a member of the royal family. It is a headache which I do not wish to have.]

Gesturing so, Sundara Chozhan hugged Mandakini tightly. He was rather confident that the both of them would stay together forever. He prayed to God that no harm should befall his lover and that they should never be seperated.


(Years later)

Chakravarthi Parathaka Sundara Chozhan and his young children were going to the palace in a majestic golden chariot. All the people of Pazhayarai praised him and his children as the chariot moved. "Remember Karikala. Your first duty should always be to the people. Understood?" Advised the king to his teenage son, Aaditha Karikalan. "Oh! That grandma fell down!" Chimed up Kundavai, who was holding her little brother Arulmozhi.

"Stop the chariot!" Commanded Sundara Chozhar. The chariot stopped immediately.

Sundara Chozhan rushed to the old lady and helped her to stand up. "Are you ok, amma?"

"Arase! She is deaf and mute." Said someone from the crowd.

[Are you ok, Amma?] He repeated but this time in sign language.

A rush of memories.

'Oh! Why did I abandon her!' He sobbed internally.

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(A/N): Here is a random nugget of history! Paranthakan I had three sons, Raajadithan, Gandaraadithan and Arinjayan.

Raajadithan died in the Battle of Takkolam. Inscriptions say that the Ganga ruler, Butuga II stabbed him. After that, he was known as 'Yaanai mel thunjiya devar' meaning the king (he wasn't the king actually, he was only the heir apparent) who died on an elephant.

Gandaraadhithan Chozhan became the next king. He wasn't interested in expanding the empire. Instead, he focused more on religious work. He also wrote a hymn on Lord Siva. During his last days, he travelled west (Kerala side) and died there. Hence, he was known as 'Merkey elundarulina devar' meaning the king who rose in the west.

Gandaraadhitan had a infant son, Maduranthaka Devar. The son was too young when the father died, so Arinjayan became the next king. He ruled for a very short time. He died at Arrur. Hence he was known as 'Arrur thunjina devar' Meaning the king who died at Arrur. His grown up son, Sundara Chozhan became the next king.


Parathakan I- The Chozha king from 907-955 AD.

Kalyani- The Vaidumbarayar princess who was married to Arinjaya Chozhan. Mother of Sundara Chozhan.

Chozha Naadu- Chozha country

Arase- Oh king!

Amma- Mother

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