16) New Danger

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"Hehehe~ You certainly are an interesting creature..." I stirred, roused by the sound of an unfamiliar voice. Sam had fallen asleep next to me, eyes closed and snoring softly, not enough to disturb my sleep but just enough to make me smile at how cute he was. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then noticed why I'd woken up. Stood in the centre of my bedroom was a woman. Someone I recognised. She was a lot older than when I'd last seen her, but there was no way it wasn't her. Silently, and without taking my eyes off her, I climbed past Sam to stand in front of her. She watched me curiously. Then I frowned.
"You're dead..." Her eyes widened in surprise and she laughed.
"I beg your pardon? I am very much alive..."

It was then I noticed her eyes. Fiery red irises gazed at me amusedly. Those weren't Emily's eyes. My heart sank and I slumped.
"Never mind. I thought you were someone else." Her eyebrow raised. "Wait! Who the fuck are you?!" I stepped away from her quickly, my groggy and half-asleep mind suddenly registering that there was someone new in my bedroom. A small smirk appeared on her face. She was incredibly beautiful, with creamy skin and long caramel hair that flowed down her back to her waist. She was wearing a black mermaid dress accented with gold, looking as if she was about to appear on a red carpet. But she was an intruder and despite her beauty, it was setting off alarm bells in my brain.
"Hmm... Why do the boys like you? You're unique, yes, but that can't be all you have going for you..."
"I'll ask again. Who the fuck are you?" I snapped. I stayed close to the bed, ready to rouse Sam at a moment's notice. The woman only smirked.
"Oooh~ You're feisty. That could be why..."

"Who- Oh, forget it. I don't have the energy to care. Why are you here?"
"You can call me Diana, little human." She replied. I stared at her.
"You're a demon?"
"I am indeed. A succubus, in fact."
"Huh... Okay. So... You're here to see the guys?"
"In a way. I plan to bring them home." I frowned.
"And how exactly do you plan on doing that? And why?"
"Oh, I'll figure something out~ And as for why? I want to become the Queen of their realm. They have no reason to stay here, so I'm going to make sure they return home. Okay, pumpkin?" I cringed.
"Please don't give me dumb nicknames. What makes you think the boys will want to leave?"
"I'll find a way to convince them."
"You're welcome to try, by all means. But something's telling me they aren't going to go quietly."
"Oh? And you know them so much better than I do. My mistake." Diana answered calmly. "I know them better than you could ever hope, little human. I don't know what fantasy you've spawned in your mind, but you could never have a happy relationship with an incubus. Especially not the one asleep in your bed."

The succubus sidestepped around me to gaze down at Sam with an expression close to distaste. "There's more to him than meets the eye~"
"He's partly brute demon. I know. All of the boys are. I don't care." Diana raised an eyebrow again.
"You're more well-informed than I thought." She shook her hair out of her face and smirked down at me. "No matter. Enjoy your little fantasy while you can."
"What's stopping me from just telling them you're here?" I asked. She paused for a second, thinking, then looked at me with a triumphant smile.
"Presumably, you care for your friends and family more than you care for the boys?" I had to restrain myself from laughing. Instead, I plastered a nervous expression on my face and her smile only grew, clearly thinking she'd won. "Have a good night~"

Diana sank through the floor into a vibrant purple pentagram that vanished as her head disappeared. I stared at the place she'd been standing, unsure of how to react. Sam was still soundly asleep, clearly undisturbed by what had happened right next to him. Trying not to wake him, I climbed back onto my bed and burrowed under his arm. All of the fear and anxiety I'd felt about Malix was flooding back, but now for someone new and far more threatening. She was able to use her powers in the house. We didn't have a safe haven from this danger. In his sleep, Sam pulled me closer to him and I sighed. I'd worry about this tomorrow. I snuggled further down, letting the sound of Sam's breathing and heartbeat lull me into an uneasy sleep.

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