51) He Has Fallen

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Sam and I reached the top of the tower just in time to see the Demon Lord, in all of his toxic glory, brutally rip Diana's wings off of her back with the horrible sound of tearing flesh. Diana let out a scream of pain that made my heart clench and she was tossed to one side. The Demon Lord smirked at his victory and kept his gaze on Diana, lifting the wings and letting the blood from them drip onto his tongue.
"HEY SHITHEAD!" Sam shouted, catching his father's attention and making the room shake with the volume of his voice. As the Demon Lord turned to Sam, I took the opportunity to rush to Diana's side. Sam and the Demon Lord stepped to one another as Diana tried and failed to push herself off of the floor. I slung my arm around her back, carefully avoiding the huge patches of raw flesh on her back, and helped her to stand.
"S-Saero...." She gasped. A flash of white light appeared before her and her loyal guard stepped forwards, looking a little disoriented before he took in Diana's severely injured form.
"Ezaeur!" He cried. He pulled the succubus from my arms and kissed her forehead, clearly trying to supply her with the energy she needed to heal. I turned back to my incubus and the Demon Lord, seeing the latter raise his arms to visually challenge the demon in front of him.

"So you wanna die too? I always knew you were a disgrace." He growled. Sam snarled at his father.
"Yeah, you made that perfectly clear. I've waited a LONG time to kick your ass." He glared hard at his father before yet again summoning his sword. Flames engulfed his body, flickering ferociously and shaping into multiple images of dragons that brought fear and surprise into the Demon Lord's eyes. However, it wasn't the dragons that were making me stare at him. It was the sword. I suddenly remembered where I'd seen it before. My nightmare flashed back to me, images of Sam standing in front of the Demon Lord and that exact ruby-red sword piercing my body from behind. "You will burn and fall into the darkest depths of the abyss where you belong."
Without another word, father and son rushed at each other, pure hatred showing in their eyes. As their swords clashed viciously, red lightning and wildfire flew everywhere, but neither opponent seemed to care and neither was holding anything back. Both of them were intent on killing the other and I was absolutely terrified for Sam's life. Flames circled them both, mirroring my nightmare and only causing my fear to increase. The Demon Lord was clearly shocked at what was happening but he didn't falter, instead shouting at his son.
"HOW?! HOW DID YOU GET THIS POWER?!" He screamed. Sam smirked, despite the battle still raging.
"It doesn't matter how!! All you need to know is that I'm gonna use it to KILL YOU!!" The Demon Lord snarled and grabbed Sam's sword, wrenching it out of his grip and tossing it towards me, but as the blade sped towards me, it simply reappeared in Sam's hand. Using the opportunity, Sam slashed at his father's chest and carved a deep red line into it. The Demon Lord cried out and fell to one knee as the wound began to burn and smoke dangerously. Sam glared down at his father and raised his sword to deliver the final blow.

But he faltered. Sam's brief moment of hesitation caused a smirk to appear on his father's face. With a loud grunt of pain, the Demon Lord stood and stared at Sam with a look that said he was planning something. I had no idea what until he opened his mouth.
"Zecaeru!" He shouted. In a flash of purple light, Matthew appeared next to his father, staring around and looking extremely confused. Clutching his hand and looking terrified was Ronnie, frozen and staring at the Demon Lord. Matthew quickly shoved his husband behind him and backed away, glancing wildly between his father and his brother.
"Why the hell is he here?" Sam snarled. The Demon Lord smirked victoriously.
"You think you're so tough, Aomaris? Let's see if you can keep it up against him." Sam and Matthew both stared at their father, confused. But as Matthew dropped to his knees and clutched his head, fear rose in my chest once again and Sam looked apprehensive. Ronnie quickly grabbed Matthew's shoulders.
"Matthew! Are you okay? What's-" he was cut off and thrown back against the wall next to Diana, who was still being held by Saero. Matthew stood slowly and smirked at Sam. His eyes were flashing with insanity but I could see the real Matthew behind them, terrified and desperately fighting to break whatever hold he was under.

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