40) Mysterious Happenings

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The world around me was peaceful and dark as I drifted gently amongst feelings of bliss and serenity. I was enveloped in comforting warmth and I let it keep itself around me as I floated further into oblivion. I always loved the rare times I got to experience this kind of sleep. It meant I was at peace and nothing was bothering me, which usually forced some kind of nightmare upon me.

As I hovered, however, the peace began to shatter and faint sounds of fire reverberated through my mind. Slowly, the void around me lit up into furious and roaring flames, eating away at the air and trapping me in a ring of fire. The sheer volume made me shirk away from it, placing my hands over my ears. It quietened a tiny bit as a cold voice rang out, filled with mockery.

"MWAHAHAHAHA!! YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME, BOY!?" It shouted. I looked up in fear and saw a sight I certainly wasn't expecting. My incubus stood in front of me protectively in his demon form, glaring at the figure in his view. I stared too. The Demon Lord stood tall, an amused smirk on his face. Sam snarled at his father.
"I will kill you, old man!" He growled. He sounded furious and I felt fear run down my spine. What the fuck was happening?
"I want to see you try! You don't even have the strength to save your precious human!" I froze, as did Sam, but he continued to glare daggers at the Demon Lord. I instinctively started to scramble away from the pair, fearing for my life before I remembered the fire surrounding all three of us. I was trapped.

I was saved from worrying. Excruciating pain ripped through my body and my mouth fell open at the feeling. Shaking, I looked down and saw a red blade sticking out of my sternum. Endless agony flooded every millimetre of my body and I let out a scream of pain I couldn't hear. My vision swam as Sam turned to me, horrified at the sight of me and as the world and noise around me faded into nothingness, I could barely make out Sam screaming at the sky, a blur of flickering orange erupting from his back. The pain was too much to bear. Trembling, my legs gave in and I collapsed to the ground, curling up as best I could and feeling tears stream down my face as the world became cold.

The agony washed over me again and again and again. Every time I thought the pain would cease, it only came rushing back with renewed vigour and cause me silently sob at the feeling. I was floating yet again through dark oblivion, but this time it wasn't peaceful. Emotions crammed the air. I was choking, gagging, suffocating, but there was nothing that could help me. I sensed despair around me. Anger, torture, vengeance. It was all I could do to not succumb to the anguish, holding on to the devilishly thin hope that someone, anyone, would be able to bring me back from the brink of death. I was teetering over the edge, holding on for dear life.

As if my prayers were answered, the darkness around me began to shift, blurry colours forming in front of me as I struggled to open my bleary eyes. The green above me told me that Sam was with me. My vision cleared a little and I took in what was happening. Sam was kneeling above me, resting my head on his knees as he cried freely, uncaring of the rivers of emotion that flowed down his face.
"No, no, no, this can't be happening, no..." He was sobbing and shaking above me, crushing my heart and adding to the agony. Pain still resided in me and I knew I was really dying. How was this possible? His hands quaked in disbelief and he laid one of them on my cheek and his other arm wrapped around my shoulders. I gazed up at the broken boy above me, unable to move. I was panting for breath and I felt fear shoot through me.

Blood continued to flow from my stomach, reflecting the flickering embers of flames dying around us. Sam looked so lost, so unsure of what to do but desperate to do it. He ran his hand along my hair and he was wracked with another bout of sobs. I knew he was intent on keeping me alive and awake with his touch, but both of us knew there was nothing he could do. I wasn't a demon of Lilith. I couldn't take his energy and use it to heal. I tried to lift my arm to touch Sam's face but the pain kept me pinned down.

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