38) Wedding Planning

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"Sam, you're being extremely frugal about this. A wedding is supposed to be a grand occasion." Erik stated.
"I agree. We have the funds to make this wedding a large event." James chimed in.
"Dude! Ronnie and I can make you a giant cake and we can have a big buffet and streamers and a DJ and-"
"Sam, calm down..." Damien cut off Matthew's rambling with a sympathetic glance towards my incubus. I rubbed the back of Sam's hand and he sighed, absentmindedly stroking the head of our black cat curled up and asleep on my lap. I could tell he just wanted to give up on all of this planning, and I felt the same. But it was our wedding, and unfortunately, it couldn't be truly our wedding without us to plan it.

It had been a few years since Sam proposed to me, and our lives were amazing. The only reason we hadn't gotten married sooner was because I'd wanted to finish my years of university before worrying about a wedding. Uni was hell enough as it was. But it was soon over and I began to live out my life as an adult. I started writing my very first book, Sam rose through the ranks of the career he chose in the Chicago police force, and things started to feel normal. But I'd dropped writing for now, as now I had the behemoth task of planning what would be the most important event of my life. It felt like I was planning for a war. Sam's brothers were all here to help; they'd all gotten married and were happily living out their lives with their spouses. But their weddings had all been fairly different to what Sam and I had envisioned.

"I don't want a big wedding," Sam growled beside me. "I just wanna get married!"
"Then why not just go to the courthouse and get your marriage licence?" James suggested.
"Oh yeah, that's romantic..." I muttered under my breath. Sam glared at his brother.
"This is important, okay?!" He glanced at me and I smiled gently. I could see the depth of his love for me and had seen it every day for several years now. "This is a big deal for me... For us. I really do want a wedding, just... Not a big one. Alright?" Once again, I rubbed the back of Sam's hand as his brothers all expressed varying degrees of exasperation but also newfound respect.
"If that is what you want, then that is what we will arrange." Erik conceded. Matthew sent his big brother a huge grin.
"This wedding will be amazing, no matter how big or small it is!" James, however, frowned at the two that spoke then at Sam.
"Why not ask your betrothed what they want, then? They may want a large wedding." Sam and I both looked at James with matching looks of scepticism.
"A big wedding sounds like hell," I replied flatly. "Who would we even invite to a really big wedding? I know you guys, your spouses, and Suzu and Naomi. Maybe a couple of people from uni, and Sam wants to invite a couple of his colleagues. That's it." James looked away, momentarily embarrassed before he shook it off and pulled some different papers towards him.

"Well, everything that you both listed should be possible for the wedding. I can call up the venues for the ceremony and the reception. Erik, can you handle the decorations?" Erik replied just as my phone began to ring. I felt like I should just call back whoever it was later, but Sam nudged me with a knowing look on his face so after depositing Leon on the table, I wandered out into the foyer to answer the call from my sister, Mika. The cat simply raised his head lazily for a few seconds before getting up, lying on the guest list that had been in front of me, and falling asleep there instead, much to the irritation of my fiancé.

"Hello?" Instead of just hearing one voice reply, I heard several.
"The fuck? Who's with you??"
"Suzu and Naomi."
"Wait, why is Suzu here? And why are you here?" I sat myself on the stairs to listen to Mika. Mika had started a charity right out of high school that ran off of Anderson Family Toys: the company she was supposed to inherit. Instead, James became the CEO and due to feeling permanently indebted to both me and Mika, he was the one that gave her approval to start this charity. She now travels all over the world giving toys and support to kids. For the past month, she'd been in Italy with Suzu. Naomi, on the other hand, had a paid internship at the Pink Lady Café and was following her dreams of becoming a chef. Apparently, Suzu had come back in order to manage the casino that her family ran, which meant she'd be able to make it to my wedding after all. As Naomi spoke, I spotted Leon wandering into the foyer, clearly disgruntled as Sam had stolen his makeshift bed from under him.
"So, are you ready to get married?" Naomi asked me excitedly.
"Good question."
"Oh, just answer her!" Suzu interjected. I sighed slightly.
"Obviously, yes. But I spent several years of my life believing no one would ever like me enough to even tolerate me, let alone marry me. Not to mention my aunt and uncle got divorced and my parents' marriage is hanging by a thread. The only two marriages I've properly known are or have crumbled so I'm also really fucking nervous."
"Hey, what about me and Erik?" Mika asked, evidently a little insulted.
"Dude, I said the marriages I've properly known. As in, the ones I had to live around. You and Erik are fine. Who knows, maybe I'm the one that caused the problems." I joked. Mika relaxed and Suzu piped up once again.
"I bet you two already had sex though, so there won't be that awkward virgin honeymoon, huh?"
"True. Although we don't even know where we're going for our honeymoon yet. We're stuck between Greece and the Canary Islands."
"Sounds awesome! But hey, we gotta let you go, okay?" Naomi said.
"Yeah, we haven't eaten and it's almost nine o'clock," Mika added.
"Then go eat, you bloody idiots! Jesus..."
"Alright, we'll talk to you later. Bye!"
"See ya."

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