46) High Tension

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The morning dawned sooner than I would've liked. The sun was beaming from the ashen purple sky, illuminating Sam's face as he slept peacefully beside me. During the night, while I was half asleep, he'd shifted back into his human form so he could lay on his side and cuddle me properly. I didn't say anything as he carefully slid his arms around me and hugged me close to his chest. A spark of anxiety flared in my heart as he slept, and I was uncomfortably reminded of what Diana had pulled the morning before. It didn't last long, though. As I moved, the incubus only pulled me closer and mumbled tiredly. Clearly, he didn't want me to get up.

"I know you're awake, Sam." Sam yawned in response and opened an eye to peer at me.
"No you don't, ya doofus..."
"Oh, my bad." I turned away to get up and leave him be, only for him to grip my waist, pull me back into him, and begin showering the side of my face and neck in kisses. I giggled as he held me close to him, refusing to let me go.
"How dare you leave me in bed without a kiss?!" He pouted playfully.
"Aw, I'm sorry. Here." I twisted around a planted a kiss as close to his mouth as I could get without breaking my neck. "There you go." Sam still didn't release me.
"Nu-uh. Not good enough." He moved his head forward to give me easier access and I sighed in mock exasperation before managing to kiss his lips.
"Happy now?"

His only response was to grin at me cheekily as he swung himself out of bed. Then he took in my form.
"Oh, you're still..." I glanced down at myself.
"Naked, yeah. I need to find my clothes before training." I got up myself and wandered around the room, locating the strewn-about pieces of my outfit and getting dressed. Sam watched me as I finished lacing up my boots and I blushed at the expression on his face. "W-What?"
"You're so fucking beautiful." He answered earnestly. My face only got redder and I instantly fell silent, unable to make eye contact. Sam stepped towards me and lifted my chin with his finger. "I've thought you were beautiful since the day I met you. I know you don't believe me," He said quickly as I opened my mouth to try and speak. "But you are truly the most attractive person I've ever seen. I love you so fucking much. You're kind and loving and I would do absolutely anything to keep you safe. I know you're worried about this test, but no matter what happens, I would give my life to keep you safe."
"I don't want to lose you, Sam..."
"And you won't. Not if I have anything to say about it. But your life is more important to me than mine." He frowned slightly. "But let's not talk about that right now. Guess what?"
"You're goddamn gorgeous and I love you."

My cheeks felt physically on fire as I heard a scoff from the doorway.
"Save it for home, you two." Sam let out an irritated breath at Diana's voice and turned. The succubus stood in the doorway holding two plates of food and eyeing both of us curiously.
"You ever learn how to knock?" Sam snipped.
"Well, we have a lot to do, so I figured knocking would only waste precious time. My apologies." She handed us the plates and Sam immediately began to wolf his food down. Diana looked at me as I picked at mine slowly.

"So, are you prepared for your test, dear?" I paused.
"I can't really be ready for something if I don't know what it is. Do you know, by any chance?" Sam looked up as Diana let out a conflicted sigh and nodded. "Can you tell me?" I asked without much hope. As expected, the succubus shook her head.
"Unfortunately no, I cannot. If I could, I would, dear." I let out a breath and began to nervously pick at my food again.
"Hey." Sam rubbed my back gently. "You'll be fine. I believe in you." I kissed him in thanks and giggled to myself as Diana let out a groan.
"I will say this though: it should be easy for you," Diana added. I stared at her. "Well, easy if you believe in your 'love'." Without another word, Diana stepped out of the room and I glared after her, irritated. I had no idea what she meant by that; I thought we'd proved our love when Sam chose me over the Abyssal Plains. Apparently not. Was that the entire point of these tests? To find out exactly how much a human could love a demon? Or maybe it was vice versa; the dragon was trying to find out how much Sam loved me. It didn't matter. Sam was everything to me, and no test was ever going to change how I felt.

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