33) Wolves

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The trek to and through the airport was a lot less chaotic than I expected. There were eight of us but somehow nothing went wrong. The flight to Málaga was quiet, but it was 12 hours long and I was bored by the third hour. Somehow though, Sam managed to keep me mostly entertained. I could tell he'd planned ahead for the flight; he knew I got bored extremely easily. Mika was having no trouble, she mostly slept or was talking with Erik, who was sitting next to her. Matthew and Ronnie sat together and spent most of the flight playing Super Smash Bros. against each other. Damien and James were the furthest away from me and Sam, I couldn't tell what they were doing.

The flight eventually touched down at about half past one in the afternoon, and I had to resist running at full speed down the corridor to stretch my legs. It was half past six in the morning in Chicago and I wasn't okay with being awake.
"Ugh, jet lag is gonna kill me..." I groaned. I leaned against Sam and watched idly as the conveyor belt started leading out suitcases. Sam chuckled.
"You'll get used to it. My brothers and I travelled a lot when we came to the human world."
"Yeah, but my sleep schedule is fucked up as it is. I'm gonna become nocturnal..." I spotted my suitcase conveniently next to Mika's and somehow managed to heave both of them off of the conveyor, making Sam raise an eyebrow at me.

We had a short journey from Málaga to Marbella, where the resort we were staying at was located. I was extremely excited, staving off the sleep I felt. I'd never left America except for when I'd lived in England and I'd taken Spanish as a GCSE before I'd moved back. Ronnie was Hispanic, so he'd have no issues and we could translate for the boys.
"I actually wonder how much of the Spanish I learned will legitimately be useful here," I said to nobody in particular.
"Estoy seguro de que estarás bien." Sam intoned. I stared at him.
"You can speak Spanish?" I asked him incredulously. "I never knew that!"
"You never asked." He responded smugly. I glared at him and James chuckled from the driver's seat of the minivan we'd rented to fit all of us.

"All of us learned a different language, Mx. Sam chose Spanish, and I learned Italian. Erik speaks French, Matthew speaks Cantonese and Damien speaks Japanese." This surprised me.
"Good god, and I struggled with Spanish. I did actually have the option of learning Mandarin when I was in school in England, but it was too confusing for me. Not to mention the students in the class were extremely fucking loud and had no respect for the teacher."
"You chose to learn?" Ronnie asked. I shook my head.
"Nah. It was compulsory for the first couple of years. I dropped it when I chose my options."

We got to the resort fairly quickly and the suite we were staying in was absolutely incredible. Four bedrooms, two with double beds and two with 2 singles. There was an open-plan kitchen and dining room leading into the living room. The main balcony was huge and you could see the main pool from it. That alone made me excited; I loved swimming, so long as I could see the bottom of whatever I was swimming in. I joyfully gazed around one of the rooms with the double bed, claiming it for me and Sam. Ronnie and Matthew got the other double bedroom next door to ours. I peered out of the door of our own little balcony and stared.

We had a beautiful view of the ocean. It sparkled in the sunlight and I heard the waves crashing against the shore.
"Sam! C'mere!" I called. He was beside me soon enough, gazing out with me.
"I hope I can trust you to be on a balcony, Nix." He said accusingly.
"Hey, piss off! You know that was Tenebris' fault!"
"Even so," he pressed a kiss to my cheek. "We're here for two weeks. You might wanna find some stuff we can do." I nodded excitedly.
"First though, I'm gonna look around the resort. You wanna come?" I got a nod in return and we set out to explore.

By the time we got back, the sun was starting to sink into the ocean. It must have been maybe seven o'clock.
"We're back!" I called. Everyone was sat in the living room, talking amongst themselves.
"Ah, you two. We were just discussing what we should do for dinner tonight."
"There's the resort restaurant just downstairs, it's right by the pool. We can eat there tonight." I suggested. Nobody objected. The food was really quite nice. It didn't compare to Matthew's cooking, but the incubus had decided to relax for these two weeks and not cook every night.

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