34) Erik and Mika

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A week had passed of our holiday to Spain and I couldn't say it wasn't extremely enjoyable. Sam and I spent most of our time at the resort, usually by the pool or occasionally at the beach. Most of the others were always out doing something and Matthew and Ronnie had a 50/50 thing of being by the pool with me and Sam or going out with everyone else. I spent so much time in the pool that my blue-purple hair began to bleach, caused by the chlorine in the water and the heat of the sun. It concerned me at first but I shrugged it off after a bit. It was due for a re-dye anyway.

Because of this, we hardly saw the others. Every time I did, however, Erik seemed to be getting shyer and shyer around my sister. It was weird, especially given how he'd acted to not only her but me as well on the day he and his brothers met us. I'd figured out he liked her ages ago; he wasn't exactly subtle about it, as much as he tried to be. Mika was just oblivious. What I was curious about was why he was suddenly acting this way around her. I got my answer though, on one of the rare days when Sam and I decided to join everyone else on their daily outing. It was only because we were going to a proper water park, but still. James and Sam were debating what we should do for lunch, and Mika, Ronnie, Matthew and Damien were engaged in some strange conversation about dogs. I was simply watching them, feeling the heat of the Spanish summer when Erik nudged my arm. I stared at him and he stepped back a bit, out of earshot of everyone else. I followed him, suspicious. He turned to gaze at my sister, sighing almost wistfully.

"You okay there?" I asked him quietly. He opened his mouth to speak, stuttering slightly as he answered me.
"I, um... I w-wanted to ask..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, I... I like her. A lot. Mika, I mean." I let out a chuckle.
"Have you only just noticed?" I teased him. He stared at me.
"What does that mean?"
"It means that literally everyone except the target herself has noticed that you have a crush on her. You don't hide it that well."
"I don't?!"
"I mean, Mika hasn't noticed, so you've got that going for you, I guess. But I've known since that bloody housewarming party. I saw how jealous you looked when my- when Mrs Anderson introduced Mika to that guy."
"W-What guy? I don't know what you mean." I gave him a look.
"You know. The one that works for the toy company that Mr Anderson fucking hates for no real reason. I forget his name... Arnie?"
"Andrew..." Erik muttered.
"Ha! So you do remember him!"
"You-" he cut himself off, glaring at me insincerely.

"Okay, fine. I don't know what you're trying to prove. I've already told you I like Mika."
"I was proving that you weren't subtle about it, but in any case," I cleared my throat. "Why exactly are you bringing this up to me?" He sighed slightly.
"I was hoping to confess these feelings to her while we were on this vacation, but I can't seem to work up the courage."
"Aww, that's kinda cute. And you're asking me for... What, advice?" Erik nodded sheepishly. I smirked.
"Well, you should know by now that Mika is kinda modest, in a way. She's like me. I would suggest finding a little restaurant that she'd like - nothing too fancy, 'cause she'll feel guilty then - and just telling her then. Obviously, it'd just be the two of you but I'm sure you can manage that, right?" Erik stared at me.
"Why didn't I think of that?" I shrugged.
"Maybe you just weren't thinking straight. Although technically, you weren't thinking anything BUT straight..."
"What does-" he stopped and glared at me. I smirked again.
"Oh, come on! That was the perfect opportunity for that joke!" Erik didn't dignify my words with a response and simply walked back towards the others. I frowned slightly.
"Seriously? Bloody killjoy..."

I rejoined Sam, pouting slightly at Erik's lack of appreciation for my joke. He regarded me curiously for a second before simply shrugging off my expression and planting a kiss on my forehead.
"Hey, Nix. You hungry?"
"When am I not?" I responded, making him chuckle.
"When your options are all food you don't like."
"Fair, I guess. Why do you ask?"
"Because we're trying to decide where to go for food, doofus."
"Oh... Well, I personally am craving burgers. And some form of a smoothie."
"Sounds good to me." I jumped at the sound of James' voice behind me and everyone else chorused in agreement. James scoured the map we were standing by and found a burger restaurant conveniently in the water park and we all trooped over to it. It was an adorable little place with a Hawaiian theme, and I was ecstatic that we got a table against the back wall, meaning I could be as far into the corner as possible.

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