3) Actual Demons

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Before I knew it, Dad's car was parked outside the gates to Grandfather's mansion. I muttered a thank you to my father and stepped onto the pavement, staring up at the massive building uneasily. Behind me, Mika called for my help and I tore my gaze away from my new home. I helped my sister pull our bags out of the boot of the car, and as Mika said an uncomfortable goodbye to Dad, I grabbed my biggest suitcase and the key to the front door. I couldn't quell the feeling of anxiety and apprehension. Something was nagging at my brain, but I couldn't figure out what it was. I glanced back at Mika, only to see her on the phone, likely talking to either our mother or her friends again. There was no point waiting for her to finish; she could natter on for hours and not even notice that she was still standing outside. Summoning all of my courage, I slotted the key into the front door and pushed it open with a loud creak.

The first thing I noticed was the grandiose architecture and fancy furniture decorating the foyer. Two staircases curved down from the second floor on either side of the room, and directly in front of me were glass double doors that led out to what I assumed was the garden. The next thing that hit me was the smell. I could almost taste the metallic blood, and it wasn't exactly hard to find the source. I froze at the sight of them, with no idea how to react. How would anyone react to finding five unconscious men in the foyer of their brand-new home? Perhaps they were servants that my grandfather had employed? I doubted it, given the lack of any kind of uniform, but it was possible. And even if they were, it didn't explain why all of them were passed out and injured. By the looks of them, they could've easily been dead.

Making as little noise as possible, I left my suitcase and headphones by the front door, tiptoed to the man closest to me and gently placed two fingers against his neck. After a few seconds, I began to feel a pulse. It was faint, but it was there. I frowned and stepped back slightly, looking over them all. Assuming they were all in the same condition, it wouldn't be long until they were past the point of no return. I knelt next to the one I examined before. Beige cargo trousers covered his legs, which looked uninjured. It was the side of his torso that was covered in blood. I carefully peeled away the green and white sleeveless jacket to examine the injury. Maroon blood stained the khaki shirt he was wearing, surrounding what was unmistakably a bullet wound. I should call an ambulance, but first I needed to check if I could rouse him. I shook the man's shoulder gently. For a second, nothing happened, but I felt breath return to his lungs and just like that, his eyes flickered open. As they locked on mine, I barely had time to register the gorgeous emerald green colour before the man moved at lightning speed, trapping me between him and the wall. I froze once again, panic rising in me and I fought not to scream. How he had moved so fast with his injuries, I had no idea. I was petrified.

As the man's eyes locked onto mine again, I almost felt like crying, half out of fear and half from relief. I wasn't expecting my way out to turn up so suddenly, not to mention so interestingly. As much as I might've wanted to die by my own hand, I wasn't about to complain about being presented with this situation. The man frowned slightly as he noticed my tensed muscles begin to relax but he only refocused his gaze on my eyes.
"You." He said shortly. My eyes widened as his, by some unfathomable and likely confusing means, shifted from green to brilliant gold. "You're going to let me kiss you." My brain barely registered what was said. I was entranced by his eyes. The gold was shimmering, as if his irises were made of gold powder, each grain reflecting beautiful sunlight, the likes of which I hadn't seen for many years. Locks of chestnut brown hair fell in front of his eyes and I was tempted to brush them away just to keep his gaze on me. I couldn't even remember the last time my mind felt so peaceful. My world had been dull and grey for so long. If it was because of his eyes, then I never wanted to look away. I felt myself nodding and I felt his lips press against mine. It was strange. While he was kind of rough, I felt a weakness behind it that slowly ebbed away with each movement.
"Sam. Stop it."

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