36) Purrfect Service

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I stared at the poster on the noticeboard, mildly intrigued. I hadn't known there was an event at the Pink Lady Café tomorrow, let alone that it was cat-themed.
"Hey, Ronnie?" I called, turning around. He was nowhere in sight. I then sighed and pulled out my phone to text Naomi. She worked at the café, she had to know what was going on. I leaned against the wall and watched the crowd, scanning for my best friend. We'd headed to the shopping centre together to pick up some stuff for Sam's birthday, which happened to be only a week before mine and Mika's, but Ronnie had wandered off and I couldn't see him.

Naomi didn't reply. I tried calling her instead and she picked up. I was greeted by not only Naomi but Suzu and Mika as well.
"Uh, you wanna explain, Naomi?" She groaned quietly.
"Fine. I've just had to explain to Mika and Suzu. A new cat rescue showed up in town, and K decided to do a charity day for it to raise money. Half of the sales will go to the rescue and there'll even be cats and kittens there in case anyone wants to adopt one!" I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, cool. I wonder if the boys would be okay with getting a cat..." I muttered to myself. Mika chuckled.
"I was wondering the same."
"Hey, do me a favour?" Naomi asked. "Tell Ronnie about this. I'm sure he'll call as well but there's no point if you can just tell him."
"Yeah, I can do that," I replied, spotting him across the plaza.
"Awesome! Okay, just so you know, I've booked each of you a reservation for the event just now! I couldn't get you all the same times, unfortunately, but at least you can go!"

"That's fine, Naomi. I'm sure I'll survive." I chuckled to myself and the others chorused in agreement. Naomi had to drop the call to continue working and Ronnie came bounding up to me as I dropped my end of the call.
"Where the fuck did you go?" I asked. Ronnie held up a couple of bags filled with baking supplies and I facepalmed.
"I should've known. You know Sam doesn't like to make a big fuss over this stuff, right? I swear if Matthew keeps this up, he's gonna drive Sam insane." Ronnie laughed but didn't confirm nor deny my accusation of his boyfriend. I gave in and pushed off the wall. "Come on, let's go. At least Sam should be working at the minute so you can hide that shit in the kitchen." We set off and I started telling Ronnie about the event at the Pink Lady Café tomorrow.

We had everyone over for dinner that night, and it didn't take me long to realise that Sam was in an interesting mood. In fact, all of the incubi were and Mika noticed it as well, because she kept giving them increasingly concerned glances. It was weird. Sam was being rather quiet, which made me nervous more than anything. Was he planning something? It wasn't often that he was quiet at dinner. He was usually very talkative around this time. The others seemed rather more excitable than usual, especially Matthew. He was only like this when around Ronnie, who was sitting beside him and giving him bewildered stares. As such, dinner was very very odd. Sam ended up nabbing my earphones and I stared at him, both slightly affronted and concerned. He didn't give any explanation and simply ate in silence.

I shook off the weirdness. Maybe something happened at work today. I finished my dinner and stood, putting my plate in the kitchen and wandering up to my room. I went to grab my earphones and growled, remembering that Sam had them. I just gave up then and collapsed onto the bed, plugging my phone in. Maybe things would be more normal tomorrow.

I was wrong. I was woken up at half past nine in the morning by an alarm that I didn't remember setting, and there was nobody in the house. All of our guests had returned back to their homes after dinner last night, but Sam had mysteriously vanished. Okay, this was getting extremely weird. I entered the dining room and spotted a plate of bacon, eggs and toast where I usually sat and the note next to it was in Sam's messy handwriting.
I had to work, but I hope you enjoy the breakfast I made. -Sam
I smiled. At least that explained Sam's absence, he must have gotten called in for something. The day wore on in mildly uncomfortable and very boring silence. At around eleven o'clock in the morning, Mika texted me. She'd been for her reservation at the café and apparently, the event was extremely good. She told me to order off the special menu, and to prepare myself for the people I might see there. I groaned as I read that last bit. Was Lisette there? My parents? I debated eating something, but I knew my own reservation at the café wasn't far off, so I decided to wait.

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