50) An Unexpected Battle

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"Hehehe~ Missed me, bitch?" I peeked around from my tree to stare at my incubus facing off against the devil I'd tried so hard to erase from my memory. I'd lived the last few years of my life under the assurance that he was dead. But there he was, in all his sinful glory, alive and well and ready to get revenge. Sam didn't even flinch at the sight of the devil, but his throat released a growl so deep that I wouldn't have thought it possible.
"Malix..." I watched from the trees as the devil removed a mask that covered half of his face. Deep scars and wounds decorated his flesh, evidently left over from his battle with Sam all those years ago. Even from my faraway position, I could see the smirk plastered on his face that stretched from ear to ear. "You're supposed to be dead!"
"You didn't think I actually DIED, did you?! Heh! Only pussy little boys like you can get taken out like that." Malix stretched out his arms and gestured around him. "Isn't this the most brutal war you've ever seen? Legions killing each other for no goddamn reason other than to rule this pathetic plane. It makes me wanna make popcorn and watch the bloodshed~" Sam glared daggers at the devil before him, already itching for a fight. "Of course, I came here for a reason, so I can't just sit on my ass and watch. Too bad though, this is some GREAT entertainment, heeheehee~"
"Then why are you here, asswipe?" Sam snarled. "Got a REAL death wish this time?" Malix burst out laughing.
"Pahahahaha!! What makes you think you can kill me?! Besides, aren't you trying to save energy to fight your old man? Hehehehe~" Malix gazed around again. "I got sent here straight from the top, by the head of Hell himself!" Sam let out a laugh devoid of humour.
"Funny. I thought Satan only gave a shit about devils who didn't get their faces beaten in. Seems like he's getting soft." Malix scowled immediately and Sam laughed again.

"Now that you're all hot and bothered, wanna tell me what you're up to before I send you back with your head up your ass?" Malix hummed.
"Well, first I'm gonna paint these gates with your blood, then wait until this war is over before I annihilate every fucking demon left and make this world a part of Hell, just like it was supposed to be."
"You're funny for a dead man." My incubus shot back. Malix only grinned madly.
"Am I? You tried to kill me once before, dipshit, and look where that got you. Didn't work out so well, did it? Hehehehe~ You know the funniest part? The chaos in this world practically begged for a war to tear it apart. I'm just helping it along!"
"Not if make sure you don't get the chance, fucker."

"It's this world's destiny, shithead! Even humans know that demons belong in Hell! How many brainless humans think that demons come from Hell? They put demons and devils together like they're no different from each other! It's inevitable! Every shitstain on this world is gonna bow down to the Lord of Hell and we'll rip apart the gates of Heaven together!!" Sam growled and stepped forwards, cracking his knuckles.
"I am so sick of hearing your voice, Malix. Let's just end this."
"Oh~! I almost forgot the best part..." Sam paused, confused. Malix cackled. "Just because I can, after we're done taking over this world, I'm gonna take that human bitch of yours and make 'em the fuck toy of Satan's army~" Sam and I tensed simultaneously.
"Yeah? Too bad. They're not here." He snapped. Malix pouted.
"Aw, really?" The devil snapped his fingers, and sudden agony erupted in my left arm, just below my shoulder. I was unable to stop myself from crying out. Sam dropped all pretence the second he heard my pain.

"Nix!" He dashed over to me and helped me stand. He glared at the blade in my arm, then turned to Malix with the same expression. "What the hell is your problem with them? Leave Phoenix the fuck out of this."
"Hmmm... Nah. I don't think I will." Pure black shackles appeared out of thin air and aimed at me with the speed of a bullet train. I didn't have the energy to move out of the way. I screamed in complete terror as the cuffs latched to my wrists and dragged me towards Malix before lifting me up and dangling me only a few inches off the ground.
"PHOENIX!!" Sam moved for me too late. The shackles hung from mid-air and Malix began to cackle evilly.
"Well well well, here we are again~" Malix grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "Eh, you're not gonna be as fun if you're not a virgin anymore." I fought to get out of his grip, but the devil was much stronger than I was. He turned to my incubus. "I'll tell you what, Sam. We go all out in a fight. Whoever wins gets to claim this bitch as his prize. Sound fun?" Sam didn't answer and Malix shrugged, forming a huge red blade in his hand. "Too bad, we're doing it anyway." The chains connected to my cuffs vanished and I collapsed instantly. The hilt of Malix's blade connected with my head and I passed out.

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