23) An Interesting Revelation

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Mika was extremely happy that I'd made friends with Ronnie of my own accord, and to be honest, I was just as surprised. I'd never been on good terms with most people my age, with the exceptions of Suzu and Naomi. But Ronnie was an amazing friend to have and even Naomi had to admit she liked him as a person, despite their personalities contrasting greatly.

It was unfortunate that Ronnie only shared two classes with me. He would've made the rest of high school significantly more bearable had he been in all of my other classes. Alas, it was only Creative Writing and Maths that we shared, and I had to admit it was rather more fun than writing on your own. He was quickly on great terms with Mr Sawyer and even when we were set one-person tasks, Ronnie and I tended to work on them together, despite the half-hearted protests of the teacher. I got the feeling that the only reason he didn't tell us off properly was because he was just happy to see I had a friend.

"What're we doing today?" Ronnie asked me when he sat down next to me one day.
"We're supposed to 'write about a time you/your character encountered a mythical creature.'" I said to him. His face lit up. He'd gotten a lot better at spawning wild stories in his head and he turned to me excitedly.
"Ooh! I've just found out what a succubus and an incubus are, maybe we could do something around that?" I froze. He knew what? Ronnie gazed at my expression.
"You do know what an incubus is, right?" He asked me. I almost laughed. Bitch, there are FIVE of them living in my home. Of course, I couldn't tell him that so I shook it off.
"Yes, asshole, I know what an incubus is. How have you only just heard of them though?" I responded. It was Ronnie's turn to pause.
"I was..." He coughed. "I was researching Christian mythology last night. You know, devils and angels? I found out that an incubus was a type of demon, that's all." I sighed and nodded. That made sense.
"Obviously I know what an incubus is, my entire writing life revolves around mythical creatures."

"Did you know that incubi aren't always male?" I faltered and blinked at him. Ronnie smirked.
"Wait, what?" I asked him.
"Yeah. Apparently the words 'incubus' and 'succubus' come from old Latin words. Incubus comes from the term 'incubare', which means 'to lie on', and Succubus comes from 'succubare', which means 'to lie under'. This, in turn, means that incubi aren't always male but they are always tops. And the same for succubi. Not always female, but always bottoms." My mouth fell open.
"Really? That's...wow. I can't wait to tell Sam that." I had no proof that Sam was an incubus in this new terminology, but something told me I'd find out sooner rather than later. As each day passed, I was becoming more and more sure that Sam wasn't just staying with me for the potential of sex. I shook that thought from my head, though. School was definitely not the place to be thinking about something like that.

Ronnie and I did indeed write a story about an incubus that had gotten trapped in the human world, and he had to find true love in order to get home. About ten minutes before the bell rang, Mr Sawyer came over to see what we were doing and sighed when he saw me typing at breakneck speed and both of us wildly discussing plot devices and twists.
"You know, you two, you really should be working on your own stuff..." He said, but couldn't suppress the chuckle that came with it. He carefully lifted the laptop up and read through what we'd written, raising an eyebrow at me.
"You like your own characters a lot, don't you?" I smiled sheepishly. He was right, I couldn't remember ever writing a story that didn't include the OCs I'd had since I started writing.
"I mean, most of them are based on people I know in real life," I said. He laughed.
"Well, I do hope that Max from the danger story you wrote isn't real!" I chuckled nervously.
"No, he's not, that one was completely made up," I said. He smiled again.
"If I recall, you wrote about incubi in that story as well, didn't you?" I nodded and Ronnie stared at me. "Well, I must say the style suits you. If anyone was going to encounter a mythical creature, I'm sure it'd be you." I rubbed the back of my neck and he chuckled, taking my anxiety for bashfulness. Thank god the bell rang at that moment. Mr Sawyer left us be and Ronnie let me take the writing I'd printed home. I stuffed it into my bag, knowing Sam would really like it.

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